Angel Eyes

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I hate royal balls. They are such dull and dreary affairs. There's nothing to do, except dance or talk but there’s never anyone good enough to dance with and there’s never anyone interesting to talk to.

Mother and father are desperate for me to find a wife, a partner, someone to rule by my side, when I become king. That’s the point of all of these damn balls. They expect me to meet a nice enough girl with a good family, fall in love with her and marry her. But all of these women are only interested in me because of my title and money. I want to find somebody who is interested in me and not my title. And I want to find someone I can actually take the time to fall in love with. I don’t want to be rushed into a marriage with someone I barely know. I want to meet someone who I can make a connection with, someone who I can learn to love and someone who will love me in return.

"Excuse me, your highness?"

I snapped out of my melancholy daydream and looked at the person who'd said my name. A young lady was stood before me, a smile on her delicate face. I smiled my usual fake smile and said, "Yes my lady? How can I be of service to such a beautiful young woman?”

She blushed at my flattery but before she could say anything else another girl was by my side, begging for my attention. Soon I was surrounded by an entire flock of slightly rich and somewhat important ladies, longing for the attention of me, the prince and soon to be king. I was trying to choose which girl I should dance with, just to get rid of the rest, when I noticed someone walk into the hall. He was tall, a head or so taller than the girls around me, with pale skin. He had vibrant red, shoulder length hair and the most stunning and bright hazel eyes I’d ever seen. Such angelic eyes. He was wearing a fine fitting black suit with a dazzling white shirt and bowtie. He walked with a natural grace and seemed so different and unique but no-one else seemed to notice him. Everyone ignored him as he made his way through the hall. But I couldn’t take my eyes away from him. He was too eye catching to ignore.


I jerked my eyes away from the boy and looked back at the girls. They were all watching me intently; their eyes wide and begging.

“I’m very sorry ladies; you’re going to have to excuse me for a moment...”

I bowed to them all and made my way away from the flock. I scanned the room, looking for the boy. I located him standing in a lonely corner, avoiding eye contact with everybody and nursing a flute of Champaign. I made my way over to him, ignoring everyone who tried to stop me for conversation. When I got to him I tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He turned and his eyes widened.

“My lord!” he gasped. He bowed and, in his haste, managed to spill his drink all over my jacket and part of his own arm. “I am so very sorry! Oh gosh! Please forgive me, my lord! I’ll pay for a new suit! I’m so sorry!” he gabbled.

I chuckled and laid my hand on his arm. “It’s fine. Don’t worry. I hate this suit anyway, now I have an excuse to never wear it again”

The boy stopped fussing and laughed nervously, “Are you sure, my lord?”

“Of course I’m sure”

He smiled warmly. He had such a beautiful smile. I bowed, “Welcome to the ball. I hope you’re having fun”

Angel EyesWhere stories live. Discover now