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-Chapter Two-

The military police let Roman and myself go and we went home to find my uncle sitting in the kitchen at the large oak dining table with a drink and his phone.

"I'm annoyed, so please, I'd rather not here it." I began to say but my uncle just stared deadpan at me and my brother.

"I see your both back. We need to discuss something of high importance. " He said as he laid his phone on the counter. "Its good that your both here. I have already informed your sister and her husband." I looked at Roman to see if maybe he knew what uncle Luke was talking about. Then We both sat down across from Uncle Luke and waited for him to tell us what was so important.

"Your sister, well she... she's fine with it... sort of?" Uncle Luke stuttered.

"What is it uncle Luke!?" Roman complained.

Uncle Luke sighed.

"Nell, I have discussed marriage between you and a prince of Sigfol. His father and I have thought that this is a wise decision considering both of our positions." He paused for a moment before continuing." Of course I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want. And if I'm honest, if Titus had daughters I'd marry your brother off instead." Uncle Luke said slightly jokingly but I could tell he was serious. The thing about the men of my family, my father, uncle and my brothers, they were all very protective of the women of the family. Especially me. At least for Renin....he was so very overprotective of me. But not any more since he's dead now.

My eyes begin to swell with tears and my brows furrow in pain as I bite my lips to distract myself from the painful memories. I look up to see a concerned uncle and brother waiting for my answer.

"Nell." Roman paused. I could tell he was worried. "I hate this idea a whole lot, like a lot, but that being said you and I both know that this is a smart move." I saw him fighting himself over what he wants for me personally versus what he knew was beneficial for the whole family.

I hate that I have the safety of my family and race weighing on my shoulders at this moment. I am too young and immature to make such a dangerous decision. Why did I have to carry the burden of my people? I have always thought that it's best to live a every-man-for-himself life but I know for a fact that is selfish. I don't want to hurt my people and family any more than the damage that is already there. Those worthless Gor!

"Nell, I would understand if you decided to decline." Roman said.

"Why would I decline?" I tried to put a smile on and show that I was okay with this. I'm not, I'm not okay with this but, I will be.

"Well then, Sir Titus Fēron..." Luke started but I interrupted. That name sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Wait a second! Fēron? Whats the guys name?" I asked curiously.

"Apollo." Uncle Luke answered confused by my reaction.

I sat back in the chair and laughed in disbelief. Wow! I can't believe this!

"Are you serious!?" I said a little to aggressively.

I laugh some more and shake my head in pure amusement. Slowly calming myself I replied.

"Apollo Fēron was the guy who arrested us at the party tonight."

He looked about 20,23 and not bad looking in the slightest but, wow I cannot believe this. I am marrying a real creep aren't I?

I looked over at Roman briefly and noticed a strange expression on his face.

"Dude, you ok?" Roman asked me. I understand why cause I bet I looked insane.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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