15: The Murder

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THE CAR parked out front is no longer inviting, it no longer reminds me of Gatsby speeding down the streets or of the mansion and the breakfast and the opal brooch that clings to my breast.

The sound of the music from the doorstep gives me the same feeling as it did on that first night so long ago, as I stood at the door in the dark and began this whole mess. It's all so familiar, the women piling through the door all ready to dance as they fling their bodies into one another. The music is loud and the sound of bare feet on tile and wood is even worse. It's all thundering, all too noisy. Yet it's distant at the same time.

It's a dream that slowly aches and morphes into a nightmare yet to come, the door a greeting to a newfound Hell I never wished to come. Yet I did wish for this in what feels to be a past life. I did wish for something more adventurous than sales. I wished for this nightmare and now I must live it.

The wood is cold and smooth and silent as the door creeks open beneath my gentle touch. The soles of my shoes squeak slightly against the tile and the smell of roses is prominent as a tall woman in her thirties bumps into me, grabbing at a silver chain around her neck protectively before carrying on.

I'm a lost soul wondering, passing by the infamous champagne tower and the brightly colored men that dance around it. The chandelier swings with the intensity of the piano and the brass and the guttural roar of the black men singing to the crowd.

It's a blur, a painful yet numbing blur of color and sound all swirled into one big mistake. I shouldn't be here, but eyes are everywhere, hidden in the breasts of women and behind liquor glasses. They watch my every move. They search for the target and they never let me go.

Gilded is everywhere, they blend in with everyone else. Unnoticeable to the untrained eye just how Duke wants it to be.

A hand on my shoulder has me spinning in a frenzy, chest heaving as my eyes dart across the room in search of Gilded, waiting for them to attack me for one misstep.

"Hey now, are you alright? You look like we just killed your boyfriend." Flower attempts to joke, pulling me into a quick hug before grabbing a drink from a nearby butler and tossing it into my outstretched hand. "If it makes you feel any better I volunteered for baby sitting duty. So you're stuck with me!"

"I don't need a baby sitter, I need out."

"Well," he drags out, sticking a tongue in his gap and wrapping a lanky arm over my shoulder. "Duke seems to think differently, so from here on out it's you and me." Behind his smile is a hint of sadness that can't be masked, just another hug taking its place before he awkwardly rubs my arms in an attempt to comfort me. "If it makes you feel any better I can shoot him."

"Flower." I scold, hitting the boy in the arm. I can't deny the fact that his bluntness can bring the slightest of smiles across my lips, even in moments like this one.

He basks in his accomplishment and rubs the spot, grabbing another glass from a waiter with a sideways glance my way. I don't bother to stop him, allowing him to tip the glass back and head out for another one as I head for the balcony steps, taking a seat on the bottom and watching the action with weary eyes.

"Care for a drink?"

"Flo- Aleece?" My neck nearly snaps as I turn to face him on the step, his smile wide and unknowing as he pulls me in a quick embrace and takes a seat next to me."Y-you." I can't speak, can't move as I'm paralyzed with a sense of fear for him, the eyes of Gilded bearing deep into my back as each locks onto us one by one, the attention of the Family on us.

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