Team meeting pt2

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When Josh got out of the shower and got dressed I figured he would leave when I got in the shower. When I was finished with the shower and into my work dress , he was still there lounging on my couch like he owned the place.
" hey " he said confidently , back to his normal self I guess
"Hey" is say back as he gets up
" so I was wondering ..." He started with a glint in his eyes ,butterflies arose in my stomach "yes i reply looking up at him, we were so close so close we could almost kiss, his lips were red and a perfect shape and those eyes I could drown in them oh and can't forget his hair the beach feel to it he was one of those hot surfer boys....
" I was wondering what we are going to do we that girl we look after" he cut my thoughts off and immediately the butterflies died.
" oh yeah I was totally thinking the same thing " I say
" well for one thing we need to get rid of those drugs she's on " he said flatly, it was true the were a danger to her but she kept on them anyway,
" maybe we could distract her with something else " I said making sure I smiled to make my idea sound convincing ,
" yeah but what " Josh replied with an arched eyebrow
" not a what but a who " i said after some thinking, I almost winked at Josh but thought that would be too weird.
After brain storming some ideas we came up with a goal ' if she was not going to save herself any time soon that we have to get someone to save her, he will swoop in gorgeously and save the day, invite her to move in with him and spend some time with her until she can:
1: get a job
2 : get off drugs
3: be strong and able to care of herself
Ready for him to disappear within a year after this all happening. Yup we had it planned out alright. The guy was going to be controlled by Josh 24/7 he's fake and not a real person but to everyone on earth he is, Josh will make him perfect but not to perfect to seem normal.
" well it's been a long day I better get going" I say and roll my eyes as I stand .... Realising its my house so I sit back down,
" haha " Josh laughed softly
" yeah , look I am sorry but I am so tired I am heading to bed I say to him , you can show yourself out.
I got up.

"Hey, I know this is a weird time, but I wanted you to know that you used to have a guardian angel once."
I turned around slowly on my heel, my eyes had gone as big as saucers.
" really who?"
"A boy,21 when he died, he got castes out anyway....he fell"
Josh looked far off into the distance,deep in thought.
"Oh" was all I had to say.
I turned on my heel again.
I walked to my bed.
Climbed in and almost drifted of to sleep.
When I warm body laid down next to me , " saige ?" Bella whispered ," yes " I whispered back , " I miss my life " Bella sobbed into my shoulder, " shh it's ok BB , I am here " I comforted her . She stopped crying.
That's all I remember because from my best friends warmth I fell asleep, making sure I stayed closed to her , making sure she was ok.

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