Unlikely laughs

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I felt water pour all over me and I snapped awake. I looked around to see I was in a room on a chair with my hands tied behind me. It was still a bit blurry, but I could just make out a few other figures. I saw one come closer to me with a bucket in their hands. They lifted it up and poured the cold water all over me. I was soaking wet and cold. Everyone thing came into focus and all the memories came rushing back. I looked up to see eight people in the room with me. They were all from the other tribe. Realization hit me like a bus as I started to struggle agents the ropes that held me down. I realize I couldn't scream either because there was a gag in my mouth. I looked around horrified, but I had no idea where I was.
"Calm down. We aren't going to hurt you." One girl said stepping forward. She had orange brown hair that fell to her hips, but was all braided back beautifully. She dressed the same as me including that she wore a jacket. The leaders jacket so I guess she was their leader. She walked closer and kneeled down next to me.

"My name is Nadia over there is Tally, Felix, Liza, Luca, Tanner, Eden, and Payton." She said going down the row of each new person. They all looked intimidating.
"I'm sorry about kidnapping you this way, but we didn't know any other way to bring you here." She said standing back up walking away. I tried to retort back angrily, but with the gag in my mount it came out muffled and soft.

"Let me explain. As of now our tribe is split. There are the people still at our village the same people that attacked you yesterday. They are the bad guys." She explained although it only made me more confused.
"I offered a peace treaty to my people saying that we would make peace with you and no longer fight. That is what we all want." She said motioning to everyone. They wanted a peace treaty?
"But the rest of our tribe was agents it. They wanted you dead. Me being the leader I say the final rule and I wanted to make peace. So there was an uprising agents us and I had to flee with the people who where still on my side before anything would happen." She finished. So not only are we fighting agents these people, but so are their own. They went agents Nadia only because they didn't want to make peace with us and wanted us dead. I tried to talk once again forgetting I had the gag in my mouth and rolled my eyes at the muffled sound. Nadia came over and took off the gag and I took a big breath of air.
"So you kidnapped me, just to tell me what exactly. That your having leader problems? Not my problem." I said sassily.
"Oh I'll make it your problem." One girl said stepping up threateningly. Liza I think her name was. I glared at her as Nadia pushed her back.

"I'm saying that we need your help. We can work together to try and convince the rest of my tribe to make peace." Nadia said.
"And what if you can't make peace?" I asked. She stopped to think for a second.
"Then we have war." She said. My stomached did flip flops at the sound of that word.
"You're willing to fight agents your own people?" I asked.
"If it comes down to it yes. I know I am making the right choice." She said stubbornly. I looked around the room trying to think of what to do.

If these people really want war we stand no chance. That has been made very clear.
"We don't stand a chance agents your people." I said wearily.
"I know and that's why I have arranged a meeting for them that you will come to. Hopefully we can change their minds there." She said.
"Wait why do I have to come?" I asked.
"Because weather if you like it or not your in this too." She said.
"Can I bring some of my people?" I asked. She looked at me skeptical.
"Just in case it goes south." I said with an innocent smile.
"Fine. Payton and Felix take her and bring her straight back. No more than five people." Nadia gave her orders and I was untied from my chair. I rubbed my now raw wrists and felt my head where I was hit. The side of my face was bleeding from the second blow I took. Whoever hit me really has a strong arm.

I stood up and followed them outside. We walked through the woods in the direction I hoped was to the village. Although I had horrible sense of direction.
"Hey I'm Felix." The guy said next to me with an eyes brow wiggle. I just smiled.
"Casey." I said bluntly.
"Yea, we didn't want to fight your people I don't want to see a pretty face like yours die." He said smirking I rolled my eyes.
"How nice of you." I muttered.
"Even though I could easily take you down." He said with a small laugh. I rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

"You really think so?" I asked challengingly.
"Hell yea no problem." He said closing his eyes and pretending to brush dirt off of his shoulders. I took this time to swing my feet under him and make him fall right on his butt. I smiled as Payton snickered at Felix now on the floor with a red face. 
"That doesn't count I wasn't ready." Felix flustered getting up. I laughed again.
"Nice one." Payton smirked.
"Yea something tells me that guy needed to be knocked down a few pegs." I said with a smile.
"You have no idea." He scoffed and we laughed again.
"I'm right here you know." Felix said from behind us causing us to laugh even more. Maybe these people aren't so bad after all. Well at least the ones who aren't trying to kill us.

Stupid filler chapter again, but I'm tired and sick so leave me alone. Feedback is appreciated.

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