chapter 1

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*Lucy's POV*

It was a bright sunny day. Everything was perfect... Well that was until I heard his voice.

"hey luce, how ya doing?" Natsu said with a big smile on his face.

I turned around to see the spiky haired pinketh standing behind me. I couldn't help but stare. I had always had a crush on natsu, but for the past few days my feelings for him have gotten stronger. I loved His nice toned abs, his pink spiky hair, and most of all him sexy but nice smile. It could melt a girl's heart.

"Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!" I noticed natsu was screaming, while being his hands infront of my face.

"Oh! Sorry natsu I must have gotten caught up in my thoughts. Now what were you saying?"

"It's OK Luce." Natsu replyed while giving me that heart melting smile. "But I was trying to tell you that we should hurry to the guild I heard master has some important news."

so with those final words me and natsu ran off to the guild. (which us where u was going in the first place)

*Natsu's POV*

As Lucy and I ran off to the guild, I noticed Lucy was acting strange. She would look at me, smile, then blush. It was wierd. But before I could ask her about it we were at the guild .

*Nobodies POV*

"Hey flamebrain wanna fight?!" Grey yells to natsu while pulling off his shirt.

"What you say to me icepick?!" Natsu yells back.

"You heard me flamethrower, you wanna go!!?" Grey says while bumping into erza making her drop her cake.

"You know what droopy eyes I don't feel like fighting!" Natsu responds with fear in his eyes.

"Yo, hot head you chickening out already how pathetic!" Grey tells natsu with a cocky tone.

But all natsu could do was point to something behind Grey, then run to Lucy. Who was talking to Levy and Mira at the bar, while drinking her usual strawberry smootie.

"Natsu what are you doing here I thought you were fighting grey?" Lucy asks while blushing.

"E-E-Erza!" Natsu sttutters while pointing to a pist Erza standing behind Grey.

*Erza's POV*

I was eating my ususal strawberrt cake, when Greg comes and bumps onto me knocking my cake out if my hands. I was furious!

"GGGGGGRRRRREEEEYY!" I yell with a deep, mad, and evil voice. He turned around and was about to run, when I grabbed him by The neck. And threw him on the ground. I was about to start beating the shit out of him when master took a seat next to the microphone.

*Nobodies POV*

"Listen up brats! I have been observing a group of you and I have decided, with the help of mira to take you to the Sandy Stones Beach and Spa Resort. You will leave at 6:00 am tommaros the people going are natsu, Lucy, erza, Grey, juvia, laxus, Mira, Wendy, Romeo, Gajeel, Levy, elfman, evergreen, and the exceeds plus one suprise guest, who will meet you all there.

Everyone was cheering.

" Mira is in charge since I am not going. So you all have to listen to her including you erza. You will be staying there for 3 weeks. So that's all for now"

But before everyone could leave Mira went up to the microphone to say something "may all the girls plz meet me outside the guild."

With that imformation everyone (that was going) left to go pack or to meet Mira outside the guild

*Mira's POV*

I walked out of the the guild and waited for the girls to meet me there. Lucy and Levy were the first ones outside. Then Wendy and Carla. And finally juvia and erza.

"OK listen up girls, since we will all be spending 3 weeks in the resort I have decided to take you all shoping!" I explained blissfully. All of the girls were s happy! After our chat we all walked to the mall. The first place we went to was a cosmetics store.

"Hey Mira do you like this makeup set it has a lot of cute colors, plus it comes with brushes?" Levy asked

"Omg so cute, I love it maybe I'll get one too!"

*time skip*
*after the mall*

After the mall we all went home to pack and rest for the 3 months of fun I have planed for us.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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