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Jordan : If tomato is a fruit, does that mean tomato sauce is a smoothie?

Naomi : What??

Declan : That doesn't make any sense.

Jordan : I mean, if you take strawberries and blend it with who knows what-

(Declan and Naomi look at Bennett)

Bennett : (rolls his eyes and mutters something to himself)

Jordan : Okay, okay, so Bennett knows. But that's not the point. If you blend strawberries-

Declan : So my flavor is the example here? Go on...

Jordan : (glares) I was trying to, but did you let me? Nooo.

Naomi : I mean, chocolate and vanilla aren't exactly fruit, so it wouldn't work in the example.

Jordan : But my question-

Declan : They're not exactly? They aren't fruit at all.

Bennett : Guys, Jordan's trying to say something.

Jordan : (huffs) Thank you! Back to my question-

Naomi : You know, it's weird. For neopolitan, strawberry is the only fruit. How did people even come up with the combination?

Declan : (grins) It's what makes my flavor special.

Jordan : Dude, that's sad. You have to rely on your favorite flavor to feel special.

Declan : And you have to rely on stupid questions about tomato sauce being a smoothie.

Jordan : That was-

Naomi : A stupid question, agreed.

Jordan : No, I was going to-

Naomi : Make Jeclan happen, agreed.

Bennett : (snorts) All in favor?

(Naomi and Bennett raise their hands)

Naomi : Would you kick me out if I said, 'All in flavor?'

Everyone : ...

Naomi : Geez, alright then.

Jordan : But why is Jeclan still a thing?

Bennett : Hey, don't blame us... remember, the readers came up with it.

Jordan : There goes the 3748th wall.

Naomi : You just came up with a random number.

Declan : What do you expect? Jordan's entire life is based off of random decisions he makes.

Jordan : No-

Naomi : Asking stupid questions, agreed.

Jordan : (pouts) Stop interrupting me! Interrupting people is rude.

Naomi : Coming from you?

Bennett : You should listen to your own words.

Jordan : But why would anyone take their own advice?

Declan : You shouldn't even have to in the first place. It makes you a hypocrite.

Naomi : Wait, but we've all done that before... so by saying that, aren't you just contradicting your point by being a hypocrite by having said that?

Jordan : Jordan is confused.

Bennett : He's talking in third person again...

Jordan : Jordan is right here, you kn- oh wait, I just used third person again.

Naomi : And he's back.

Declan : Who?

(Awkward silence)

Naomi : Let us just take a moment to facepalm here...

Jordan : Wait, you never answered my question about the tomatoes!

Declan : Because it's a stupid question.

Bennett : (pats Jordan on the back) It's not a smoothie.

Jordan : Wait, you knew that the whole time and you didn't tell me?

Bennett : (coughs) It was funny seeing karma happen to you.

Naomi : How did it feel to have a taste of your own medicine, Jodie?

Jodie : Who's Jo- oh.

Declan : Joe? Who's that?

Naomi : And you wonder why people assume that you need help in school...

Declan : Hey, it's only when it comes to Jorda-

Naomi : Jodie.

Declan : ... Wha- oh.

Naomi : Jodie, Decca, and Beatrice.

Beatrice : No.

Jodie : What, are you too cool for us?

Beatrice : This again?

Decca : Jorda-

Naomi and Jodie : It's Jodie!

Decca : (rolls his eyes) Jodie, you forgot a line.

Jodie : What lines?

Beatrice : (mutters) There goes the 3749th wall.

Naomi : Jodie, go fix the wall, would you?

Jodie : Fine.

Decca : (grins) Can I demolish it afterwards?

Jodie : No!

(Jeclan exit to fix the wall)

Beatrice : Let's face it, there's no point in rebuilding it. And please give me my name back...

Naomi : Who're you asking?

Bennett : Don't turn the rubble of the wall to dust, since it- oh hey, I have my name back.

Jordan : (somewhere in the distance) Ow! Declan, get your ass out of my face.

Declan : Get your face out of my ass. Oh, karma is a bi-

Naomi : Alright, why don't we just cut the scene there before we go anymore off script.


That was bad I'm so sorry. This was written in the style of how Rubix did it for a couple of interviews / extras. Hopefully more one shots to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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