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She watched him as he lay beneath her. His eyes were closed and yet he still had that stupid smug smile tucked into the corner of his lip. It had never changed since they were in high school. That same look always there peeking underneath the surface, his playful brown eyes daring her to say no. Though she never could, especially when it came to him. Even now he would call and she would come running. The strange pull he had over her they both couldn't quite understand, but he seemed to make the most of it. Then again that look probably had nothing to do with her, at least not anymore. She guessed he had quite a bit to be smug about these days. All of those that had doubted him, wrote him off, bullied him, were now the ones lining up to see him. Telling all their friends how they had went to school with Prince. Though in reality they had never even given him the time of day, as they walked through Central's halls years before.

Stretching her long legs over him, he smiled, a real one this time. His eyes still refusing to open. Bending down a thin finger, she began to trace over the features on his face, an eyebrow, his long exaggerated stiff lashes, the dimple in his cheek that would form when he truly smiled. The trimmed hair at the corner of his mouth as the mustache framed his lips perfectly, the slight mole on his cheek that had been darkened with the same black kohl used to etch his eyes. In the years she had known him he had changed quite a bit. She remembered their first meeting and her stomach fluttered, like his arrogant grin this was something that had never changed either.

Reading quietly in the library he snuck up behind her and began to whisper the most vile and inappropriate things, many of the acts and phrases, she had never even heard before. She tried to ignore him and bury her face farther in the book she was reading before he had so rudely interrupted her. But the redder she became, the nastier he got, leaning his body over her. She could feel his cool breath as it danced across the nape of her neck as he spoke. Finally she turned around from her book to face his gaze. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed, "I thought you were someone else.", and then he just walked off , turning back to look at her once more before dipping through the library door that smug smile etched on his lips.

It had always been the same, she could just hear him and her stomach would begin to feel like a tornado of butterflies. They had always seemed to lay dormant until the moment she would hear that deep familiar voice. He knew this too and did everything possible to take advantage as often as he could. In high school he would always whisper a little too close to her ear or speak far too loud as she walked in the room, making sure his voice would reach her. He would then revel in the panic in her eyes.

As they grew older he would sneak into the back of her father's shop as she was milling through piles of receipts and papers in the office, and would sing loudly, "Does your daddy know what we do in the shadows of his back seats?". She would try in vain to quiet him before those words reached her father's ears, as he worked out front. Recently though it had just been a phone call ever so often, but still even through the wires her butterflies would begin to whirl at the slightest hint of his tone.

Gently cupping his square jaw in her hands she smiled down at him. "All your lovers, they look just like you." She found his level of narcissism beyond entertaining. Susan, Denise, and a bevy of other brown eyed beauties had always caught his attention.

"I could say the same about you." His eyes still shut his fingers reached out and grazed the skin of a rose colored nipple. At his slight touch it began to harden, and she wished to find it in his mouth once more.

"Mine are general, yours well... very specific. Caramel skin, dark hair, large eyes... sound familiar?" Leaning down she kissed him. Their tongues wrapping around each other as if instinct led them together. This was a constant battle between their lips. The sheer memory of his movements allowed her to expertly maneuver his tongue as it rolled around hers, pulling his bottom lip between her teeth gently before allowing it to snap back into place. He let a small moan escape his mouth and her butterflies began stir again.

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