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Nick Wilde
Judy Hopps
Jane Clawe
Christopher Pawz
Chief Bogo
Other UnImportant Characters.

It's 10:32 pm in ZooTopia where a robbery has taken place in Rainforest District, the suspects appear to be two jaguars, a wolf, and a polar bear, they have attacked its Upper Class Hotel "Scratch Hotel", all the victims have been evacuated, and are trapped inside. The eight policemen and women enter the building with loaded guns, hoping to arrest the robbers with no casualties.~

"Officer Hopps and Wilde, survey the upper floors along with Clawe and Pawz. The rest of the officers and me will stay down here and block the exit. Spread out, team" Chief Bogo commanded. Officer Nick tilted his head to the left where the stairs lead up to the second floor. Hopps, Clawe, and Pawz followed him behind trying to not make a sound.

When they arrived at the top, they examined any corner trying to find hints to where the robbers might be. Pieces of broken jewelry trailed to one of the suites that included three other rooms and a balconey, luckily the balconey served no escape and below it were trees and death. Judy lead the way, watching her back every second and making sure her co-workers and the love of her life were okay. When they entered the suite Wilde took the bathroom, Clawe the bedroom, Pawz the kitchen, and Hopps the balconey.

Nick quickly aimed his gun, seeing if anyone was there but there was nothing. Jane looked inside the room then barged, in her finger almost pushing the trigger, but there was nothing. Christopher slowly entered the room with his gun down, a dangerous move, he was checking the pantry and fridge, but there was nothing. Judy looked around the balconey, to the left and right, but there was no clue that they were here.. nothing but claw marks on the wall above the door frame of the balconey. The robbers had apparently climbed to the second floor or fallen, Judy was about to exit the room with the officers when a noise came in the direction of the closet, next to the balconey. They had apparently forgotten to check, so Judy carefully opened it, quickly aiming her gun. But there was nothing.
She signaled the cops to find more clues outside the suite. As she was walking to the door a bullet hit her in the chest. A fury of bullets came from outside the balconey hitting the furniture, walls, and everything. After the shots had stopped, Nick ran to Judy pulling her to the back of a table where the wood was too thick to be penetrated.
Nick held her in his arms. "Judy! Judy, look at me, l-look at me, Judy. Hang on, don't go to sleep. Stay awake!" Nick was shouting as another fury of bullets hit the room. He yelled into the walkey-talkey "10-00!! Officer down! Officer down! Call an ambulance immediately!" Nick was starting to cry, holding Judy's limp body and dropping the device.
The other officers had found the culprit and shot him down to the balconey where he was knocked out, they cufed him up and carried him downstairs.
Nick was desperate, trying to find something to patch up Judy's wound. Judy then put her paw on his cheek and looked at him. "..Nick.. stop.. It's- no use.." she whispered, her voice hoarse. Nicholas was shaking his head and squeezing her paw, "I won't let you die, I can't, I wouldn't be able to live without you. I have to fin-" "NICK!" Judy exclaimed with all the energy she had left. "Stop.. you'll be fine..I believe in you.. I love you so much.." Judy had started tearing up and pet one of his ears "Don't stop because of me." Nick put his forehead on hers and gave her a kiss. "I can't even go without you..." he whispered. Judy blinked softly "I love you.." She stopped talking.

The ambulance had arrived and took Judy, Nicholas to the hospital, Judy was rushed to argent care to be operated on, while Nick had his wounds treated, he was desperate to go to Judy. He started tearing up again and clawing the seat he was in, he had taken a few pills to calm down, but Judy was still on his mind.
After a few hours, he was stable and calm enough to visit Judy, the doctors were done with the operation, and did as much as they could. Nicholas ran to her room, everything looked so gloomy and sad.
Nicholas sat on a stool right next to Judy's bed, he softly grabbed her paw. His eyes on her chest, looking for any signs of life. The heart monitor was slowing down and getting lower by the minute. Nicholas stared at it until it stopped and went flat. His heart stopped cold, and after a couple of minutes he pushed the words out painfully:

"Carrots..? Are you still there..?"

Everything was quiet.. and then there was a beep.

"...you foxes, so emotional.."

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