My crazy friend !

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Red hair , red nail polish , dresses that was higher than girls asses . This is all you see on the streets of Manhattan ! My bestfriend Kayla and I was strolling in the streets just came from King of Sapphires , the strip club ! Then , this motherfucking dirty ass prostitute came up to my car ! Im just sitting back like " I wish a bitch would come knock on my window " Then , the hoee knock on my window ! I cracked my window and cussed her out . I aint want to roll my window all the way down .... Shidddd ... I aint know the bitch capabilities , but Kayla brave ass goes and get out the car and im like " uh oh ! kayla get in the car ! " kayla's screaming " Hell no ! This bitch needa go away ! Fuckk hoee ! Dumb bitch ! Sagging Tiddy Motherfucker ! Ole Stank hoee ! Bitch Aint probably wash her vagina in 2 weeks ! " Then looking at my S3 I hear a screech , I look up I see Kayla dragging this hoee by her weave across my windshield ! Im just cracking up ! Then , Kayla phone rings , it was mari ! I answer " hey chyy  , Long time no speak jitt " she like" yeah , where yall at ? " I respond " on 52nd avenue and groove street , Kayla whooping this bitch ass " Mari responds " The hoee is crazy "

Authors Note : Mari , Kayla , and Destiny are best friends .

Mari comes and tries to grab Kayla off the girl , That didn't work , Then we hear sirens , so Mari yells " 5' o " im like " fuckk " so I had to drive off with the 2 of them on my windshield and I had to drive with my head sticking out the window trying to see .

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