Chapter 10

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Again with the rain . . .

It wasn't getting any more fun, what with the weather and all. There was lightning now. While that did mask sounds and make it easier to move quickly, it wasn't exactly the greatest news in the world for a guy who's soaking wet and planning to spend large amounts of time on rooftops. I'd already seen several flashing bolts strike the tall posts that were gathering lightning for . . . well, for whatever purpose the magic-crafters gathered it. I'd also seen a few lightning bolts strike several roofs with no posts adorning them, and with an ear-splitting, fatal sort of intensity.

It was a good night to stay off of rooftops and other high vantage points, if you weren't the suicidal type.

Sometimes I'm just so blessed, it hurts.

On the plus side, I had a pretty good feeling that the “wraith” would be out tonight. He'd already been out every single night out of the last three, but if I had to pick a night I was sure he'd be out, this would be it. How could he possibly pass up an opportunity to be dramatically back-lit amid peals of thunder, bits of cloth whipping ominously around him? It seemed tailor-made to his particular brand of theatrics.

There were several miserable knights out walking the streets as well (when they weren't standing under shop awnings talking quietly to each other, glowering), paired up and with hands resting on the pommels of dangerous looking swords. Not just Blackstaag's knights, either, but Forschell's as well.

It seemed that he'd taken Theo's advice to heart, if he hadn't already increased patrols for some other reason.

Dismayingly, the appearance of Forschell's men wasn't quite as positive a development as I'd first imagined it would be. Forschell was a fairly moderate, soft-spoken sort of Lord who didn't go out of his way to antagonize people. I imagine this was the very reason his knights weren't acting confrontational when encountering Blackstaag's knights, despite the fact that they were roaming into territory they clearly had no business being in. I'd seen discussions between a few of them when they happened upon each other, a couple of nods, and the odd smile.

Not what I'd hoped for, really. In fact, since neither one of the two factions of knights appeared in the mood to argue or confront one another, it actually made my job a little harder, what with the extra sets of eyes to try to avoid.

I really should be used to things going sideways on me by now.

During the beginning of the evening, to pass the time (and maybe just to vent a little), I spent an hour distracting Blackstaag's men. I'd grabbed a handful of gravel for my sling before heading to a second-story perch above a well-lit street, and spent some time practicing my marksmanship on the backs of their legs just as they were about to turn a corner, or when they were looking away. Now and then, I'd even fire a noisemaker or two behind Forschell's men, just to see how far they'd chase the laughing, taunting sphere down the rain-soaked street with their swords drawn.

Of course, there was a purpose to this, the whole reason why I'd gone out so early. If you toy with knights enough to annoy them, they'll tend to hang around the area that odd things were happening in, certain that someone was around somewhere. Noisemakers and distractions aren't all that great for slipping past someone unnoticed, but they're wonderful for making guards suspicious, or planting the idea that something unusual is going on nearby. This usually kept them from wandering into areas that you eventually wished to visit yourself.

And so, after shaking up various patrols like a hornet's nest and drawing several knights to where I wanted them, I sped off to the spot where I'd planned to spend the night observing Forschell Keep. It was about three stories up, overlooking a nice big patch of flat roof. The roof was just the sort of place I'd jump to if I was hastily leaving Forschell Keep via the southwest balcony . . . definitely the way I'd choose if I was able to magically float to the ground.

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