Chapter Four

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I pull the phone out of my pocket and without much thought and tap answer.

"Hello? Randy?" I say with a shake in my voice.

"Where are you, it's been practically two hours?!" He says obviously a bit angry sounding.

"Randy I was taking care of Steve, he's got a fractured shoulder, calm down." I say rolling my eyes.

"When are you coming down then?"

"I'll be down in a few minutes, just chill."

"Fine. See you then." He answers. I hang the phone up and lay it on the kitchen counter as I pull Steve's beer out. But then I hear footsteps behind me.

"So I guess you're going to Randy's?" Steve says, arms crossed.

"Steve I need to clear things up with him. Just please don't get upset again, once was bad enough.."

"Lass, I'm not upset. Randy is just bad news. All he's gonna do is get some of that, and then he's gone." Steve said pointing to my chest.

'Dammit Bella.. He already did get some of 'that'..' I thought to myself.

"Well, Steve, I.. I know."

"Alright then lass, be back here before two, that's when your curfew is lady. Be back here at one thirty." It was already eleven.. And since when is Stephen my father, and since when am I not 28 years old?

"Whoa whoa now hang on there Steve, I'm 28 years old and you're 32, you really think you can give me a curfew? That's like if I was six and you were ten you giving me a curfew, haha." I answered pushing him on the chest playfully.

"Oh Bella. Go on and have your fun, just don't get into too much, fun, if ya get me lass."

"Steve I'm not. Ugh. See you later.." I said quietly.

"See ya Bella boo."

"What?" I answered.

"I- mean Bella!"

"That's what I thought." I said walking away.


I knocked on Randy's hotel door. He opened it, and pulled me inside.

"What the fuck were you doing with Steve?! I thought you didn't like him!" Randy shouted at me.

"Randy, I never disliked Steve, what are you talking about?!"

"I'm talking about you kissing all over him!"

"Wait, what?" 'Oh my, no Bella, how did he find out..' I said to myself in my head.

"Bella I came in your room to give you your sweatshirt, it somehow ended up in my bag and just as I was about to open the door I saw you there kissing him! Who the hell do you think you are bitch?!" Randy was yelling in my face.

"Randy I-" He cut me off.

"No!" He yelled. I felt the sting of his hand flying across my face. My eyes widened as I looked up at him.

"Oh my god, Bella." He said realizing what he'd just done.

Tears welled in my eyes. I laid my hand shakily on my face, and pulled it away seeing blood on my fingers. A tear fell from my cheek, as I tried to run out the door. Randy grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go asshole!" I screamed.

"Bella no!"

"Shut the hell up bitch!" I screamed, jerking my wrist from him as I ran through the doorway. I ran down the hallway and bumped into someone. The person took my hand and pulled me up from the ground. I tried to hide my face with my hair, but the person knew who I was..


So chapter four. Sorry it's kinda short and sucks, but I wanted to update because it's been a while. Don't worry, it gets better :) thanks for the reads! :) Three votes? Two comments? Thoughts? Suggestions? Who could be the mystery person? Ohh cliffhanger! :)


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