LEXA x [y/n] stay by me

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(Not mine)

[part 1] [part 2]
They tell you to stay in the drop ship during the grounder/sky people battle but you disobey and end up getting hurt.
Characters: Bellamy, Finn, Clarke, Octavia, Lexa.
Warnings: Violence.
I had to change the Lexa part a l'il bit because she didn't appear until season 2 and she's a grounder, enJoy!
"Stay by me." Clarke instructs, her arm gripping yours. She stands by the doors, watching in horror as Bellamy fights for his life.
"Clarke, I can't watch them die. I have to help!" I say desperately, tugging on my arm.
Her grip only tightens as her worried features turn to me. "I'm not letting you go out there." She answers, her jaw clenching.
"You don't control me." I say, my voice filled with anger I didn't know I possessed.
"I-" She stops when there's movement beside me and Finn runs out of the drop ship, her hand loosens on my arm and I take the chance to run.
"Y/N!" She shouts, her footsteps pounding on the metal of the dropship floor as she runs after me.
A knife flies by, inches from my face, and I stop, only for a second. But a second is enough for another knife to come by, slicing into my shoulder and causing me to cry out in pain.
Clarke is by me in an instant, pulling me back to the dropship. "What the hell do you think you were doing? You almost got killed!"

You hadn't seen her for what felt like hours. She'd left, off to see her grounder friend, Lincoln, and only told you to stay safe inside the drop ship with Clarke and Raven.
After about fifteen minutes of distant bangs and screams and frantic voices through the radios you were sick of waiting, sick of thinking of hundreds of different scenarios in which Octavia could have died.
You wait until Clarke's gone under the panels and make a break for it, Raven's too busy to see you grab the nearest gun and make a break for the woods.
You've only been running for a few minutes when you trip over a branch and feel your gun fall from your hands. You jump right back up, reaching out into the muddy ground to find the weapon. Something moves ahead of you and you scream as a mutated creature runs towards you, eyes blazing and pointed teeth poised in a frightening snarl. Your hands catch the gun, only pulling it into your arms in time for you to shoot the creature in the side. It falters slightly, stopping only to growl at you, before charging again.
You scream as you fire bullet after bullets into the creature's flesh. Blood is everywhere as the you run out of ammo, the dead body only yards from your body.
You feel the tears running down your face as you discard the gun and run, you're lost but you can hear gunfire and shouts ahead of you.
You scream yet again when a body collides with yours, sending you both tumbling to the ground.
"Y/N?!" You hear a frantic, familiar voice ask.
You turn to see Octavia, her dark features illuminated dimly by the light shining through the tree tops.
She starts at the blood splattered over your face. "I told you to stay in the drop ship!"

"Stay in the village. You need to stay with our people, keep them safe." Lexa instructed, her kind eyes wavering as she sees how worried you are.
"Don't die." You whisper as she leaves the tent, her war paint and armour a sign of her warrior status.
It's half an hour later when you leave the village yourself, sneaking past the guards and following the path your people took. It won't take long to catch up and it won't be hard to mix yourself in with the rest of the army, there's so many people fighting. Most of your village.
You move quietly and stealthily, catching up to the army in no time. It take another hour for you to reach their camp. The scouts go out first, drawing their fire and wasting their ammo. A good plan, really.
Things were going well until the reapers attacked. Storming through the trees and attacking every living thing they saw. You had your sword in your hand in an instant, ready to fend off any attackers. All you could think of was whether Lexa was okay.
You were too busy looking for her when something attacked from behind, your body falling to the ground as a reaper's bloody face growled at you. You lifted your sword, swinging it into the creature's side as its claw-like hands slashed right down your forearm.
You wince slightly as you shove it's dead body from your own, running to the gates of the sky people's camp. That's where Lexa was bound to be.
You see a reaper approaching, it's face so deformed you can't see its nose, and try to lift your sword, biting your tongue as it causes pain to ripple through your arm. The reaper takes a leap, it's sharp teeth aiming for your throat as an arrow lodges itself in its temple.
You stand, eyes wide and frightened, before composing yourself as you turn to your saviour. When you see Lexa you swear to yourself, happy she's alive but scared of her angry expression.
"What the hell are you doing here?!"

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