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Nico honestly felt really bad for Annabeth. Shocked at the news of Percy's death, he let a few tears fall as well. He'd felt it, of course, but he tried to ignore the thought. Now it was true.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. He can summon the dead! "Jason! Get the seven! Let's talk to Percy!" Jason's eyes seemed to brighten up, just a little bit. He flashed an "Ok" sign at Nico, and ran off.

Soon, all of the seven, well, Nico hates to admit, six, were there. As Nico dug a hole in the ground outside the Poseidon cabin and poured some burgers he'd convinced Chiron to order as delivery into the ground, he was reminded of when he was in Garyon's ranch, and he had been angry at Percy. Dejavu overwhelmed him, and he tried to block the memories as he whispered the words:" let the dead taste again. Let them remember and take this offering. Perseus Jackson, show yourself."

So yeah, I'm sorry this is short. Please check out my other story. Its a Kanes Chronicles and PJ crossover. I know that only got 3 parts, but I update daily.

Disclaimer: I swear on the Styx I don't own these characters

Peace out,

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