October 3rd

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Yeah I’m not sure that’d be a good idea. He tends not to like a lot of people. I can’t promise he won’t attack you on sight and he doesn’t always listen when I yell at him. That being said, he is getting better. Or at least we’re both better at communicating with one another.

            The sound of someone sitting beside her locker had Leah turning to look. She smiled at Kevin, dropping down beside him. “How are you? You are all better right? You’re not going to pass out on me again are you?” She caught herself and took a deep breath. “I’m glad you’re back.”

            He nodded, looking a little thinner than the last time she’d seen him. “I am better and I do not expect to faint again, I assure you. I missed you as well.”

            She lightly shoved his shoulder. “So I met your mom.”

            “She has told me. She told me to again tender her apologies for her attack.”

            Leah shook her head. “Tell her it’s fine. I can hardly be mad at her for doing what I was trying to do, though less effectively of course. And let me guess, air magic?”

            He nodded again as he reached into his bag. “Yes. She is quite adept at it. Here,” he said, pulling her vambraces out. “They have been enchanted by myself, my cousin, my mother, and one of my uncles. It is unfortunate that we have no fire mages in the family so it is not a complete four protection but I believe it will serve you well. Should I find a willing fire mage, I shall have them spelled then.”

            She smiled as she took them. “Thank god you’re done with them. I don’t think I could have taken dealing with that overgrown pigeon another day without them. Look,” she said, pulling her sleeves back to reveal new red and pink scratches on her arms. “He keeps forgetting I don’t have them and has tried to land on me three times already.” Then she sighed. “But I know he feels bad about it. He’s been hiding up in the trees after the last time. He wouldn’t even come into my room for the night yesterday. I think we’ll both be happier with them back. Thanks for spelling them. And thank J, your mom, and your uncle for me too. I feel a lot better having these. I really appreciate it.”

            He returned her smile. “I am glad. I feel relieved that you have these as additional protection. They should keep you safe from most basic spells. They are strongest on the actual leather though the spells should extend to cover most of your body. We were not able to test it so I am not certain what the range is.”

            She shook her head. “That’s fine. I figured I could use them to shove away most attacks.”

            He stared at her for a moment. “I had not thought of that.”

            She chuckled. “Yes but you’re a mage, I’m a fighter. I know how I fight and what I can and can’t do. If I have any problems, I’ll have you fix them. If you don’t mind that is.”

            He shook his head. “It will be no problem. Though…there is one thing I wonder if I can trouble you for?”

            Leah frowned. “What do you need?”

            “Will you explain the work I missed? I fear I will fall behind the rest of the students in the classes I missed.”

            “Only you would worry about that,” she said, laughing. “And you shouldn’t. You’re awake, not stoned, and you pay attention in class. You’re already ahead of three quarters of our classmates.”


            She shook her head, a little sigh escaping her lips. She knew this was going to be another one of those conversations. The ones where Kevin never really got why humans did something. It was moments like these that she remembered her friend wasn’t like the other students.

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