David Tennant (The Tenth doctor)

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I think this doctor who was one of the best since he regenerated from the ninth doctor who was played by Christopher Eccleston. David Tennant played the doctor from June 18th 2005 till January 1, 2010. doctor has had nine companions during his time span of  being doctor who. K-9 made appearances during the doctors adventures. He brought a comedic side to the doctor which made the show fun and serious which defiantly helped the show rating wise. I think he always was saving one of his companions named Rose Tyler who always seemed to get herself into trouble with the villains' or he was put in danger because of her he always found a way to get out and safe the planet earth. he was not my favorite but if I had to pick three it would go Matt smith as the 11th doctor, David Tennant as the tenth doctor, and Peter Capaldi. my favorite face off he's had is between the daleks and  weeping angles. his final moments he went back in time and went back in time to see Donna's wedding where his first memory and companion was. He last words I think made everyone cry he said "I Don't want to go" he had tears in his eyes as he was so upset to leave after all the memories he's had in that form. this was my opinion how you like comment and fan and don't forget to vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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