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*the next day*

Grayson: dude wake up

Grayson: ...

Grayson: ETHAN!

Ethan: what the hell do you want?

Grayson: ...really dude

Ethan: really dude what!?

Grayson: Alex is what! *Ethan looks at Gray* you let her in the room Ethan... you can't fucking do that! You probably scared her away...

Ethan: Grayson you don't understand, you know I couldn't hurt her...

Grayson: you need to leave her alone.


"Dad I really need your help, this boy named Ethan I've been hanging out with well I think he might be crazy..."

*knock knock*

Ethan: Alex...it's me Ethan, I need to talk to you...

God damn he didn't really want to talk to me yesterday but her will today!?

Alex: no you don't

Ethan: yes I do

Alex: ok so if we talk your just going to walk away from me and not tell me why?

Ethan: *whispers* god damn...no Alex not this time...

Alex comes by the door and puts her hand on the handle then turns it lightly till she can see half of Ethan's face.

Ethan: Alex come on, open the door more

Alex: I'm good

Ethan: *puts hand on door*

Alex: Ethan stop

Ethan: no I told you I needed to talk to you *opens the door*

Alex: well...what did you want? *sits down*

Ethan: Alex I need to know...how you feel about me...

Alex: are you fucking me right now! You came here to ask me that!?

Ethan: fuckING HELL ALEX! Just answer the fucking question!...please...

Alex:... you know if you're going to be rude you can just leave like you did yesterday!

Ethan: *walks up to Alex face to face* ...sorry but can you please answer it?

Alex: well, now I don't know how I feel about you...I have mixed feeling for you now

Ethan: wait what do you mean?

Alex: when I first saw you I had a little crush on you I guess you could say but then the more we would see each other the more...

Ethan: the more what?

Alex: well *stands up* you would act weird, more different around me but I could never really tell how you would feel...

Ethan: oh...

Alex: Ethan I still like you but...I know your hiding something...

Ethan: *looks straight at Alex* what do you mean again...

Alex: well Grayson told me to be careful around you, you act completely different when I ask you what happened here or there and you see just look out and then never answer me and just say come on lets go but god damn you left my house when we were asking simple questions...

Ethan: sorry Alex...

Alex: was that all you wanted...

Ethan: no...Alex I need to tell you have I feel...about you.   

Alex: *sits next to Ethan*

Ethan: *looks at Alex* ever since I saw you I wanted to get to know you yeah I didn't really know how things just happened so fast but I guess I was a goof because I really like you. And I don't care if you like me or not I will always like you. *Ethan puts his hand on Alex's cheek as they met eye to eye* Alex I-

Alex: no Ethan stop...

Ethan: what?

Alex: tell me who you really are...



Ethan: come on Sue!

Sue: Ethan please, I'm not just something you play around with

Ethan: Sue...

Sue: Ethan just stop! Tell me who you really are!

Ethan: *stops and looks at Sue* who I really am?

Sue: yes Ethan there is something wrong with you!

Ethan: *walks to the knifes* Sue I promise you there is nothing wrong with me *grabs knife*

Sue: oh really... wait Ethan...

Ethan: *turns head to see Sue's face* yes?

Sue: what are you doing? *backing up*

Ethan: *turns around* oh leaving so soon? *walks to Sue* I'm afraid you can't do that...after all you did say you wanted me to tell you who I really am,*holds knife in his hand* wouldn't it be better if I just showed you?


Ethan: well Sue...looks like you know, well use to know I should say.

*End of flashback*

Ethan: Alex... what's your opinion on murders?

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