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Its been about a year since you've fallen into the Underground. Within that year, you've made many friends and some enemies. Currently, you live in Snowdin with Sans and Papyrus. The two brothers act as your guardians and protectors. Sans can be lazy, but if you and Papyrus were in danger? You wouldn't want to see what happens. He's very protective of the two of you, even if it doesn't seem like it. Papyrus is very energetic and filled with positivity. He sees the good in everyone, though he always gets mad at Sans for not recalibrating his puzzles.

"Sans!" Like right now. Chuckling lightly, you got out of bed and walked downstairs, where Papyrus was currently yelling at Sans. "It has been three days since you recalibrated your puzzles! I, the great Papyrus, have recalibrated them for you, being the awesome brother I am. Also, you need to-- oh, hello human. I see you're awake."

"Heya kiddo," The two skeleton brothers greeted as you waved slightly. "Sleep well?"

"Mhm. Nice to know I can wake up to the bickering of brothers," you replied with a laugh.

"Papyrus, why don't you go make some spaghetti to calm your nerves? I'll talk to Sans," you suggested. He looked at you hesitantly but agreed nonetheless.

"Alright, if you say so. The great Papyrus will make his famous gourmet spaghetti! Nyeh heh heh! he declared happily as he ran into the kitchen. You walked over and sat next to Sans as he had A relieved look on his face.

"Thanks, kiddo. You really saved me there." I nodded. "I guess you could say... I escaped punishment."

"Sans, oh my god-" you were cut off by my own laughter. "That was terrible."

"Well, I've always been pretty punny. After all, my puns are just grate." You broke into more laughter, eventually holding your stomach due to the amount of laughing you were doing.

"A-Alright, Alright. You better stop before Pap has a fit." He sighed and ruffled your hair.

"If you say so, kid."

"Sans, Human, breakfast is ready!" The two of you looked at each other. Oh boy.

"Alright, we're coming!" you called out as we walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. He set three plates of spaghetti on the table. Being the brave one, you took a bite. It was actually good. Edible. Your cooking lessons must have helped.

"Well, how is it?" he asked, looking at you nervously.

You smiled at him. "Pap, it's wonderful." He laughed and grinned childishly.

"Of course! With your help, I, the great Papyrus will make the most excellent spaghetti in all of the Underground! Nyeh heh heh!" You giggled and kissed his forehead in a sisterly manner.

"Yes, you will. I have no doubts." Papyrus smiled and began cleaning once you were all finished. You walked into your bedroom and turned on the TV, watching one of Mettaton's shows. You were a big fan of his, and you'd love to meet him. It got you giddy just thinking about it.

About an hour later, you heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" Papyrus walked in with an excited grin.

"Human! Get dressed! I'm taking you somewhere."

You looked at him confused. "Oh? Where are we going on such short notice? Is Sans okay with this?"

"I already talked to him, and he said it was fine. There's someone I want you to meet, and they are expecting us. Meet me downstairs once you're ready!" You nodded, shooing him out of your room as you got dressed. Once you were finished getting dressed, you walked downstairs to meet the excited skeleton brother.

"Alrighty, I'm ready!" you said cheerfully, grabbing his hand. That was a habit you developed when you first fell and were terrified of everything-- it simply stuck.

"Goodie! Sans, we will see you later. Come on human!" With that, he proceeded to drag you out the door, walking with you hand in hand.

After a few moments of silence, you spoke up. "So, who exactly are we meeting?"

He shot you a wink. "You'll see, human. He's very nice, so I'm sure you'll like him."

You laughed softly. "Okay, if you say so." The two of you walked in a peaceful silence until eventually arrived in Hotland, specifically at Alphys' lab.

Papyrus knocked on the door, which immediately revealed the shy scientist. "O-Oh! Papyrus, (Name) y-you're here. P-Please, come in!" she stammered awkwardly as she opened the door, allowing the two of you to walk in. Papyrus walked the two of you in as you take a look around her lab. It seems homey. Definitely a lot of anime memorabilia around here. Kinda like my room back home. The thought caused you to be nostalgic for a moment, but you giggled.

"Alphys, darling, are they here yet?" No. Fucking. Way.

"Papyrus, is that who I think it is?" you asked meekly, hiding into the skeleton.

"Mettaton!" Papyrus cheered happily, running to give the robot a hug. You and Alphys stayed behind while you had a look of starstruck on your face. You've always wanted to meet him, and Papyrus has met him? So he's who I'm meeting, huh?

The two of them walked in as you got a better look at the robot celebrity. He was absolutely fucking gorgeous in person. Alphys really did a great job. "Wow," you mumbled under your breath, your face flushing a light pink.

"Awe, you haven't changed a bit Papy, dear," he cooed, holding on to his arm as he got a better look at you. "And who is this beautiful creature?"

"This is the human I've been telling you about," Pap stated as he gestured to you. "Metta, this is (Name). Human, this is Mettaton. Surprise!" Son of a bitch. Papyrus, you owe me one. You shyly waved at him, not really knowing what to do otherwise.

Mettaton let go of Papyrus' arm as he sauntered over to you, inspecting you. He gently grabbed your chin, simply staring into your eyes. "I must say, you're more beautiful than Papyrus gives you credit for," he complimented, smirking slightly. "The pleasure's all mine." He let go of your chin as he grabbed your hand, kissing it. That caused your face to go from light pink to a bright red.

"S-Same to you," you replied meekly, later wanting to smack yourself in the face for it. He still had a hold of your hand as he brought you closer to his robotic form.

"You look so cute right now darling," He purred, kissing your cheek. Is he always like this when he meets new people? Unbeknownst to you, Alphys had a very worried look on her face. She was praying that he wouldn't get too attached and cause havoc like he did with Frisk and Papyrus in the last few timelines. "Let's get to know each other better, darling. Dinner tomorrow, on me." I-Is this is his way of asking me on a date?

"S-Sure. I don't see why not."

"Fantastic! I'll see you then, my dear. For now, let's catch up Papy darling," He cooed as he dragged the innocent skeleton away. Alphys had a look of worry in her eyes as she dragged you to a place where they couldn't see or hear you.

"L-Listen, (Name), t-there's something you n-need to know a-about Mettaton." She breathed in deeply, holding both of
your hands in hers. "By any means necessary, don't let him get attracted to you. If he does, it can cause total havoc in the timeline!"

You looked at her confused. "Alphys, what are you talking about? Mettaton isn't bad."

"You don't understand. If he gets too attached, he will try to keep you w-with him at all costs. I've seen it happen time and time again. I-I don't want the same for you. P-Please promise me y-you'll be careful around him. It's for your own good."

She seemed so serious about it, so you nodded.

"One more thing. I-If he starts going crazy, run. Get out of the underground in any way possible. Don't l-let him find you, n-no matter the c-costs." With wide eyes, you nodded.

"I promise."

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