The Golden Years

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       High school! The best years of my life (so far)! I have so many memories from high school. I really mellowed out during those years. No detentions, no fights.... What a miracle! I think I need to thank marching band, basketball, and theater for keeping me so busy. I didn't have time to get into trouble anymore.
      I think I should start off band by clearly stating: I was in the best and most important part of it. The Drumline. All four years of high school I played the quints. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's the instrument made up of five different sized drums all put together. AKA: The most important drum. Am I being a little biased? Definitely not. The Drumline was where I met my best friends. Granted, they were/still are drug heads, but they are my drug heads. Don't worry, I was always the designated driver for our outings. Believe it or not, even though I've been on more drug runs than a pharmacist could ever imagine, I've never participated in any snorting, shooting, or smoking of any type of drugs. Surprising, right? Just say no, folks. Reflecting on those times now, I really miss going on those drug runs. I also miss randomly frying Bologna on a grid iron skillet during band camp when the director left the Drumline alone in a building by themselves. What can I say? We were pretty persuasive. I also really miss jamming out on Friday nights. I can still hear the school fight song going through my head!

     I was also in theater during high school. Theater was great, because I could act out all my frustrations on stage, and no one would know any better. Plus, I could be anything my imagination wanted. I was a saloon owner, a princess, a depressed girl, an old bag lady, and many more things. I have to say, I have yet to find anything as amazing as the feel of performing in front of hundreds of people at a time. Being able to make people laugh is one of the best feelings in the world. You should try it sometime. Even if I accidentally ripped off a fingernail while dancing my heart out on stage, or rolled an ankle running around like crazy, I've still never found anything as pleasing as the theatrical stage.

      I bawled like a baby during graduation. By some miracle, I graduated third in my class! That goes to show that anyone can turn their life around for the better. Now, I know I'm not the best example of a delinquent turned good or anything like that. No, I never murdered anyone. I never stole a car. I never got strung out on drugs, but I still did a lot of things during high school that I'm not proud of. I was in an abusive relationship. My ex didn't care if he broke me physically or mentally. I never stopped him until after two years of abuse. I've went places I never should have went. I've participated in things I never should have. However, I made it out of high school with everything turned for the better. For that, I'm really proud. I'm proud of my friends for sticking with me and comforting me through my lowest points, even when I turned my back on them. I'm proud of my parents for putting up with me through thick and thin. I'm proud of all my teachers, coaches, and everyone else who has had an impact on my first eighteen years of life.

      Now, I have to encourage myself to take a step in the right direction for the future. College, a job, a possible family. Even though I'm sad that my childhood is over, I know that it's not the end. It's the beginning of this crazy, messed up thing called adulthood. All I have to say, is look out world, cause I'm coming for you!

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