20; epilogue

514 37 31

Brendon is smiling,
he's happy.

his husbands feeding their babygirl, arabella.

the three dogs: penny, bogart, & zero are chasing one another like idiots.

brendon feels a tear roll down his cheek, then more start to come.

dallon looks up and sees brendon's tears, he rushes to his side.

"baby, what's wrong?" he asks worriedly, placing the five year old down.

brendon laughs, wiping his eyes.

"I never thought i'd live to be married, let alone have a kid and pets,"

"dallon james, you saved me. without you I wouldn't be here. I would've died." brendon's voice was now breaking, he let his thumb stroke dallon's cheek.

"and you know what?" he asked.

"hm?" dallon replied, he too a bit emotional.

"you were the only fix i
needed this entire time." brendon cries, dallon kisses him.

he feels a presence on his lap and see's bella's big blue eyes looking at him.

"I love you, papa." she speaks, throwing her arms around his neck.

"I love you too, princess." he responds, hugging her small frame.

dallon smiled at the two befits joining in.

"i love you too, mr. weekes."

he's never been


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