LOSSES - Are they your gains in disguise?

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Hey ya! ;D

It's me! Pranks!

And I'm back with a short essay-type article!

I hope you like it :D

Inspired by *someone* Shhh! :p





LOSSES - Are they your gains in disguise?

So we are programmed as kids to understand the fact that losing is a part of life and we should move on with it irrespectively. Generally when something is repeated SO many times we tend to let it sink in and become a part of the reality within us, then how come we find losing so hard? Even if it is for a short while we sulk or throw a temper fit. Why? 

I believe that when we lose we blame everything bad on something else. Its like a human defence mechanism to protect themself and save the trauma that may come their way and hence we put the blame on someone or something else! So I decided to put the blame on my expectations. The more we expect the worse we feel when we lose and it has adverse effects on us. But then another question pops up; if we don't dream and set massive goals we won't get anywhere at all! I have always believed in a quote that says "Aim for the moon. If you miss, holy f**k you're in space!" So if we keep our expectations low where are we heading for? Aren't we reducing all our potential abilities? 

So now as I go on thinking about it my issue isn't only with losing! Its with a lot of things around it as well. Like the feeling we will have after defeat, the feeling of letting down the people who had great expectations from us, or the fear of never playing with the team that is like your family again. 

Now that I've listed out all the reasons as to why we cannot accept defeat although we are trained to, I decided to find myself some answers. Some life changing kick-ass answers. So I understand that people are different and all of us ARE entitled to feel bad! No shame in that ok? Sulk for a bit, but take a lesson. Improve. 

It is peoples unpaid job to have unimaginable expectations and criticise at every opportunity they get. Some get sadistic pleasure when they see you crash and burn. That is when they win. Your only aim should be to NEVER allow them to get to you. EVER. 

Make the loss worth your while, cause you are simply too good to be wasting your time over nothing! Always learn from your opponents! After all they beat you for a reason right? Learn it and show them who's the boss next time! 

Look, change is a part of life, ok? Don't let it scare you at all! Its as silly as saying you are scared of the weather changing. It isn't waiting for your consent. It will happen either ways. So look forward to something cause there's ALWAYS something amazing waiting for you! Yes, people. The biggest presents that await you are the opportunities that are left for you by destiny! Don't be naive like a child who lost their favourite teddy and doesn't want a new one. I agree there are memories attached to them but attempting to cling on forever is unrealistic! Instead be like a child on christmas morning who is ready to grab any and everything in sight! 

So now that I've simplified this whole "Why-you-feel-bad-after-losing? thing" I expect you to win from now on. Lol... Just kidding, I don't expect you to win. I'll be proud of you even if you just try and be happier after each loss. That is progress for me. Take one step at a time till you become mentally invincible and losing helps you gain more than a victory. Smile at your opponents when they think they have crushed you. That shows that you are growing as a person and for me that's more than enough =)


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Thanks a ton xx


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