I- The First of Many Dreams

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[Please tell me how you like the first chapter!]

In that moment, everything shattered.

I spewed all the water that had been in my mouth a moment before out. We were outdoors, so that didn’t really matter, but that didn’t keep Arielle from giving me a somewhat amused, somewhat disgusted look.

“How on Earth you managed to forget...” the small blonde mused, rolling her eyes. But I could still see a faint smile creeping up onto her face. She wasn’t that annoyed with me.

I shook my head, bewildered. “Life’s been busy, I guess. Things slip my mind. But do we seriously have school tomorrow?” I whined.

As Arielle had just reminded me, I started my Junior year of high school tomorrow. In middle school, it was just like, “Whatever, first day is tomorrow. That sucks,” but in high school, everything is different. The first day of any year of high school is one of the most horrendous things any human being will ever experience. You get absolutely no time to do what you want. Everything revolves around school. As the years went on, things only got worse. That’s why high schoolers get so excited about summer vacation.

If anyone had seen me at that moment, they probably thought I would’ve looked ridiculous, whining about school like a little kid. But as we were in our backyard, Arielle was the only one there besides me.

“You don’t seem too upset about school starting,” I observed, looking at Arielle. She simply shrugged. Then again, Arielle was three years younger than me. She was only starting the eighth grade. She had one precious year left before the real horrors came.

Although we were sisters, on the outside, Arielle and I weren’t very much alike. She had long, silky, honey-blonde hair and gorgeous bright blue eyes. As for me, my hair wasn’t too different from hers, except for the fact that it was chestnut in color, opposed to blonde. My eyes were green, not blue. I had gotten most of my traits from my father, while Arielle looked like our grandmother on our mother’s side.

That being said, even though we were different physically, we had similar personalities. Although she was my sister, I never got too annoyed with her. She was my best friend as well as my sibling. We poked fun at each other all the time, which was probably why she was currently laughing at me.

“Okay, okay. I’m stupid and forgetful; you can stop now,” I told her, pretending to sound exasperated.

Before she could respond, I heard my mom calling from inside the house, probably to tell us dinner was ready. Arielle hopped up much faster than I would’ve been able to and offered me a hand.

Brushing the grass off of my jeans, I entered the back door of my house and found out that my theory about dinner was right. Mozzarella sticks were sitting on the stove, waiting to be eaten.

As much as I adored mozzarella sticks, I couldn’t seem to enjoy dinner. Or the rest of my evening, really. I was just worrying about the start of a new school year the whole time.

“I’ll make sure you girls are both up by 6:30 tomorrow morning,” my mom called from behind me as I slumped away from the dinner table.

“Don’t remind me,” I muttered back, not even sure if she heard me. I didn’t really care.

In my room, I crashed on my bed. Head being buried in a pillow, I had to feel around my nightstand for a moment before my fingers wrapped around my phone. I had one new text.

From: Evan Isaacs

Message: You need me to pick you up tomorrow morning?

It seemed that everyone else had remembered about school tomorrow, including my boyfriend. If only someone had reminded me before now. I gave Evan a quick response, but didn’t text anyone else. Then, I embarked on a mission to check every single Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr post that I hadn’t looked at, knowing that I wasn’t going to feel like checking any of those once school began. Now, you never realize how much you’ve missed until you go back to look at it. The whole endeavor took about three hours, so it was close to 9:45 before I was done.

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