on a roman holiday

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No one could ever hold her back because people shouldn't be held back. Our story was short and I don't even know if she remembers me.

Me, the one who hesitates when given the chance to break into public swimming pools. Me, the one with the shaky breath and clammy hands who should really, at this age, have more experience in certain things. Me.

I really did love her.

But now she's gone and I'm still here.

I take a sip from my cup of coffee. I let my mind wander for a second. I keep my eyes on the road.
But everywhere I look and go, the world seems to taunt me with the memory of her. It still hurts to hear her name. It still hurts to hear our song play. I fall in love with every stranger who walks or talks or even smells like her, who makes the same jokes she once did. A simple laugh brings me to tears.

It's amazing and tragic, what one person can do to another.


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