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     A cold wind blew and smacked the faces of two wolf pups. One was a pale brown and white wolf, the other a dark brown and black. They both had their heads down, trying to block the powerful winds. The pale one stopped walking, he looked up for a second to make sure the other pup was still there. "Brother....I can't feel my legs...and I can barley see anything!" The darker pup looked back. "Don't worry! We'll be at a safe place soon, just keep walking!!" 

     He sighed and slowly started to trudge through the thick layer of snow. They continued their slow pace for another hour before the pale wolf fell. The darker pup heard the thud of his brother hitting the snow. "Sparrow!" he turned and ran to his brother. Licking his head the dark pup curled around him. "Are you okay...?" The pale one named Sparrow started to shiver. "I'm fine...just very cold...and tired..." He looked up. " much farther?" The dark pup looked around, his confidence in getting to a safe place slowly wavered. "Not much farther baby brother, we're almost there, I promise!" Sparrow nodded slowly, he softly lifted himself up and slowly started to walk forward.

     Soon the snow stopped and the wind ended. The sun soon came out and started to melt some of the snow, making it easier to walk. It was still cold, since it was the middle of winter, but the sun finally started to warm the brothers a little, allowing them to walk faster. Sparrow ran ahead of his brother. He started to giggle as he sniffed the air. "We're almost there! I can feel it!" The darker pup smiled and nodded. He was lying to Sparrow, his own brother. He had no idea if there was somewhere safe up here, he had no idea if they would ever find some place to settle down and live a happy life. But he didn't care. As long as Sparrow is happy...I'll stick with it... 

     They continued to walk toward their destination. Soon, the sun set, and the wind started to pick up again. "Brother! It's getting pretty bad! Should we stop for the night!?" The darker pup looked around, he was getting tired of these stupid white trees around him. "No!! Keep going!" Sparrow frowned, but he listened to his brother. They continued to walk until they could barley feel their paws. The wind grew, causing their ears to flow in the wind. "Brother!!" Sparrow barked as loud as he could, but his voice was lost in the wind. 

     Sparrow looked back, his brother looked mad as he sniffed the air and looked around. "We'll find it!!" he kept yelling those words over and over. Sparrow started to shake. He has no idea where we are going....we're lost..... Sparrow felt like he was going to cry. First their parents die, then they get lost in the freezing woods. The dark pup dug his claws into the snow. "THIS SUCKS!!!" His voice echoed around the forest. 

     Sparrow heard a deep growl. "B-Brother...." he looked towards a large black figure leaning over him. The bear was huge compared to the tiny pups. The dark pup looked up, he instantly froze. "Sparrow....back away...slowly.." Sparrow started to back up, he was shaking and his feet made the snow crunch. The bear snarled and struck out it's paw. His claws struck Sparrows throat. Blood poured from his wound and stained the snow red. "SPARROW!!" The dark pup felt the tears sting his eyes as he saw his brother slowly bleed out. 

     The dark pup ran forward and bit the bear's stomach. Using his claws he started to rip at the bear's skin. The dark creature snarled and struck out a paw. The pup tried to dodge, but ending up getting thrown into a tree. Laying still the pup waiting for the bear to slowly walk away, satisfied that it killed his intruders. 

    The pup stood up and slowly limped toward his brother. "Sparrow.....Baby brother....Please.....Get up..." Sparrow's breath was coming in deep and shallow. He slowly looked up at his brother. "H....H..awk..." Sparrow's voice was soft as he whispered his brothers name for the last time. His eyes faded and he stopped breathing. Hawk felt his heart drop. "No!! Sparrow!! PLEASE!!!" He crouched next to his brothers body, softly sobbing. 

     Hawk looked up, his eyes were red from his tears. He stood up and started to dig a hole. "This is unfair...It's my fault...I told him we should find another place..." After finishing the hole he slowly dragged Sparrows body into it, watching as the blood stained snow stuck to his fur. Hawk started to throw dirt and snow over Sparrow. He made sure to take one final look at his brother, before fully burying him.

     Hawk dropped a small daisy on top of his brothers grave before slowly walking off in the direction they were heading. "I will find this safe place....for you Sparrow....and I will kill any bear I see!!!" He growled. Limping off he vowed that one day, he will avenge his brothers death, and find the place that they were looking for. He will find this safe place, so he knows, he was not lying to Sparrow.

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