Chapter 1 - The Safe Haven

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     A brown and white Brittany moved from behind a dumpster. She looked across the road to the alley beyond. Why am I here?  She jumped back when a red car raced by. Oh...Right...There's a group here...they say this is the safest place you can find. She looked back and forth, making sure no more cars would pass. She took a deep breath before racing over the hard surface. Her pads kicking up grit as she ran. 

     The Brittany stopped and looked back. I made it.... She crept forward, making sure her paws didn't make any noise. She looked down the alley she saw from across the street. A large pair of yellow eyes were staring at her from a trash can that was turned sideways. The Brittany screamed and jumped backwards, she quickly caught herself before she hit the road. 

     The creature inside the trash can started to laugh. A pure black Bull Terrier clambered out of it. His yellow eyes gleaming in amusement. "Haha! You should have seen your face!!" The Brittany stared to blush in embarrassment. "That wasn't funny..." The Terrier stopped laughing, but a smile still hung on his face. "I'm sorry.." he tried not to laugh. "I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name?" The Brittany lifted her head, trying not to look stupid. He might know of this pack, so don't be rude!  "I just arrived yesterday, and my name is Lucy. What's yours?" 

     The Bull Terrier sat down and started to scratch his neck, the silver chain collar around his neck started to rattle. "Me? My name is Butch." He smiled and laid back in the trash can, this time, his head stuck out. "What brings you to this city?" Lucy sat down. This could be my chance!  "I'm looking for a pack, they're said to protect any dog, they say this is their safe haven." Butch's eyes widened. "Hurry! You can get away before they find you!!" 

     Lucy flinched. "W-What do you mean!" Butch looked around, he dropped his voice into a whisper. "I'm a guard for the Hawk's group." Lucy blinked. He's telling me to run from his pack....why? Lucy tilted her head. "If you're a guard then take me to your leader! I've heard wonderful things about this pack-" Butch cut her off. "Take everything good you've heard about us and shred them up! This place sucks, i wish i could leave...." He started to shake. Lucy sniffed the air, and for the first time, she could smell the scent markers. They smelled odd. Like a mixture of smoke, trash, and...blood....

     Lucy started to get angry. "I traveled all this way to join your pack! I'm not just going to turn and leave just because some dog told me to!" Butch stared at her, his eyes a mixture of sadness and fear. "Very well...." His voice was a soft whisper. Lucy smiled as Butch turned and started to walk down the alley. Lucy quickly caught up to him, her paws were shaking with excitement. 

     Butch kept looking back, he seemed disappointed every time he realized she was still coming. What's wrong with him? He seems to care...but what's so bad with his group? The scent started to grow as they made their way behind a few buildings. The streets here seemed like only dogs walked here, other than the occasional dumpster, nothing human like was around. 

     Butch started to slow down. They were arriving at a place where the alley stopped and formed a large circle. a three dumpsters sat next to each other on the far end of the street. Food was piled underneath the middle dumpster. Trash cans on their side lined the circular street, they were all filed with moss and feathers. Yet, the most noticeable thing there, was the amount of dogs. There was a wide mixture of large and small dogs, they all looked happy, chatting with each other, laughing, playing. 

     Butch sighed and looked back to Lucy. She looked at Butch, his eyes seemed to plead her to run, but she ignored it. "Are you ready?" Lucy nodded. "Welcome to The Hawk's Group" 

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