Metal, Scythes, and Thieves (eustass kid, killer fan-fic)

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Dakota's feet carried him faster than he had ever thought possible.  He was here, and he couldn't risk going back to him, not after he'd left the crew so suddenly and ran away. He'd punish him, lock him in his room and he'd never come out. Dakota snarled, i'll never go back to you Doflamingo, never again! He vowed inwardly as the marines continued to race after him. 

His eyes found the beach and he nearly crowed with joy, almost there...just need transportation.. raising a gun he fired back into the small crowd that followed and watched some fall. Nearly skidding and wiping out as his feet hit the white sand he ran towards the water and jumped off the shore, landing on a small passing merchant ship. "what the hell-" Dakota caught the guy off as he killed the guy with two shots. Picking him up he threw him off the edge and looked back at the beach now fading away. 

"what are you motherfuckers gonna do now?" he asked teasingly between pants, knowing they couldn't hear him but felt like gloating about the small victory. A small laugh escaped his lips as he tossed his sandy blonde hair out of the way, he had managed to get away with a nick o a bullet that passed across his chest. "nothing I can't.." he trailed off and looked back as a cannon fire was heard, followed by more. 

"hey, hey i was just kidding" he said as he shot them the middle finger, "just because I have a bounty of 130 million and i killed an army of yours, doesn't mean you can kill me"

The response was another canon, "ooiiii quit it bastards, i just got this ship!" He watched as the marine ships steadily moved up and closer to him. "shit, shit, shit...fuck. this shit" He looked at the sails pleadingly as he saw them moving faster. "faster faster please?" he attempted half heartedly to blow at the sails.

"I can't go back to Doflamingo please" he yelped as a canon hit the back of the ship and water sprayed up, "i don't wanna drown either dammit" he snapped at them. Sinking fast he shook his head as he tried to think of something quick. Another cannonball hit, sending bits of debris everywhere and managing to hit him too. He let out a hiss as the wood and metal bit into his flesh.

Blood poured from the deep wounds, he only had a few but they were deep enough to worry about. His blood started to stain the small amount of deck he had left, he frowned as the blood hit the water, surely attracting some predators. That...wouldn't be good for him, whether or not he died.

Another canon fire and he went through the air before hitting the water with a 'smack'. The cold water enveloped him, struggling against th current he clawed at the water desperately. A moment of clarity went through him as he looked up to the shimmering surface, rays of light shining through in small beams and leading towards the bottom were they faded into the blackness.

Panic shot through him as he saw movement down there, no please no.  Adrenaline slammed into him with such a force that he pushed his way to the surface and gasped for air greedily. Paddling over he latched onto a floating piece of drift wood and dragged his heavy body up onto it.

It helps that they think i have a devil fruit ability, he mused as he looked at the small, tiny, retreating marine ships. The current had carried him farther than he had expected, the island nothing more than a distant speck. But Doflamingo knows better, laying back, he puts his arms over his eyes to block the hot sun from hurting his eyes. 

It was then he realized his wounds, "aw shit" he muttered softly. Sitting up, he stared at the wood under him numbly, the world shifted out of place, "blood loss" he heard himself say, sounded weird. Seeing black around his vision confirmed it, "must've nicked an artery or vein..I would've bleed out by now....." He struggled for another thought to grasp, anything to stay focused. Putting pressure on a slash across his chest, he felt a blinding flash on pain before he passed out.

****time later****

Am I dead? The small thought that popped up in his head stayed there, not being answered. He stayed numb for a bit before forcing himself into action and moving his head to the side, causing him to let out a involuntary yelp. His head erupted in pain, it hurts, god it hurts.

He whimpered softly as he moved his heavy limbs, "fuck" keeping his voice barely above a whisper. Nothing will end this pain...unless..medical attention? He pushed himself up and grits his teeth as he wobbles and sways. Nooo, nooo, stop it, he demanded in his head as the world spun and he stumbled forward. Feeling something sticky covering him, he manages to focus and look down at himself. Soaked in his own blood and still bleeding, he takes a tentative step forward, and then another.

********more time later***********

Has it been minutes, maybe hours? He didn't know exactly how long he'd been walking along the beach, but it was still dark and the stars still out like when he'd woken up. So it couldn't have been a day...he was so tired...and pissed. Fuck you marines, I've never trusted you. Fuck you Doflamingo! NO've fucked me too many times, can go burn in hell! If it wasn't for you fucking...making me have freaking sex I wouldn't be in this situation! He thought bitterly as he trudged on wards and rounded some trees. Fuck you....pirates?

"medical supplies?" he asked himself softly, would it be worth it? But....he still wanted to live so...approaching the pirate ship, he thought the jolly roger looked somewhat familiar. Climbing up he bit his lip to hold in his cry of pain. "i'm going to kill myself" he hissed quietly as he reached the deck and landed skillfully on the metal.

 Holding his chest he straightened up and hoped he didn't drip blood on the deck. "You have some nerve" he stiffened as he heard a voice to he side of him. Turning to the side as a dagger flies at him he frowns, "Eustass 'captain' Kidd"

*****epic battle****not really*****

My plans of living were so short lived, He thought as he tried to avoid the captain of the Kid pirates and his first mate. The bite of a blade into his neck caused him to jerk forward and stumble back to avoid the swing of a scythe. "dude come on" he said hoping he could persuade the captain. "all i was getting medical supplies" he said as he dogged another dagger.

"so you were going from me?" he snarled and Dakota swallowed, he'd just made it worse. "that is what i'm known for, that and" he kicks a scythe out of one of the first mates hands before falling back and panting. "killing people" he breathed hard ad tyred not to show how bad off he was to the pirates. A kick was sent to his gut and he fell back as he coughed up blood.

Trying to resist the urge to scream in pain, the captain came over and kicked him over as he cried out softly. "do you even know" he starts to let out a wet cough. "who owns me?" His pride took a huge blow to that, but he was hoping he would keep him alive and the plan wouldn't backfire horribly on him.

"Oh? and who's that?" he sneers as Killer, the first mate, hesitates with his blade poised over him. "If you would let me" with some effort he moves so that they could see the jolly roger of the crew on his chest. "Donquixote Donflamingo" he answered as he forced his pride down when it reared its head again. "You'll have to deal with him if I die" he stated in a matter of fact voice.

He hated pulling the card but it was his only option, they both fell into silence and Dakota felt somewhat smug, certain that he had them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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