Chapter 5

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As I got home, and slammed the door shut, I prepared myself for another hellish evening. It's not like my foster parents weren't nice, they were some of the sweetest people I had ever met, it's just they weren't mine. I've only been with this set for about 3 months, but they've been foster parents for decades. My "parents," Austin and Selena, decided to become some when they realized they would never be able to have their children. Right now, they're fostering three children, Scott, who just turned three, Joel, who just turned seven, and me. Well they'll be getting Abigail soon, she just hasn't moved in yet. 

Generally, I'm in charge of Scott and Joel because Austin and Selena are normally at work until about 7. They're the main problem. Actually it's more Scott because I have less in common with him. Joel's really into music like me which is pretty cool. But in general they're just maniacs. They barely listen to me unless I'm singing to them. So I have to make everything into a song. Which is fun but kind of annoying. 

I also have to cook dinner. In my other homes I loved to cook, especially bake! But, Scott's allergic to practically everything so it's pretty impossible to make anything I like to. 

Then, after I cook dinner, I have to start my homework. And that's always a pain to do because Scott always wants to help me which generally involves him scribbling all over my sheet and me having to explain a lot to my teachers. Plus, I almost always have at least two hours of homework because well, I'm in high school. 

After I finish my homework, around midnight, I try to fall asleep. But I always have this reoccurring nightmare. Well, more of a reality because it actually happened. A police man knocks on my old best friend's, Caitlin, door. 

"Hello," The officer says, "Is Taylor Swift here?"

"Yes, she is. What happened officer?" Caitlin's mom replies. 

Then, the officer whispers something in her ear, as he looks at me, and Caitlin's mom starts to cry. 

"What happened Mrs. Evanson?" I asked. 

"Sweetie," she sniffled, "Your parents, your parents they, they were in a car c-car crash. And and they didn't make it."

Then she starts bawling. And I do too. 

After that I wake up, crying. Everyday, every night I'm haunted. 


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