Chapter 22: the lost girl

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My body sank deeper and deeper into the darkness. From somewhere inside of myself I felt it come to rest on a jagged rock deep below the churning waves.

My lungs burned as I dared not move. I laid there, feeling the soft current rock me back and forth.... Back and forth.

All around me I heard my mothers voice singing the lullaby I had brought with me to Neverland. In my mind I fell back to the great warmth of her memory.

I heard her whispering to me don't be afraid... I noticed a dark shadow. This one from outside of my mind. It was large and approaching fast. My gut instinct would be to fight back. I just laid there, on the rock. I told myself everything would be okay as the beast approached.

I felt it hovering near me in the water. It grabbed my body and began to pull. I felt it slide me through the water with great power. My body told this to be my final adventure. My mind... Still with my mother. We sat on a blanket under a tree. The sweet summer air carried her laughter as birds chirped and flew above.

I laughed with her. "Mommy, mommy! Look at that one!" I was young. I pointed to a cloud floating in the sky.

"Aren't they beautiful dear?" My mother held the voice of an angel, so soothing and bright. Her hair wavy like the greenest pastures her eyes sparkled like a star. Her welcoming smile. "Oh dear Alice, I am so proud of you." I looked at her with confusion. She took my small hands in her flawlessly soft ones. "Hold the ones you love my dear. Hold the ones you love near and never let them go."

A man slowly walked up to us. He stood to block the sun. With the glare I couldn't tell his features but I knew he was my father.

I remembered the hospital. "Right in here." The nurse closed the door after I entered. I heard the beeping of the machines as I slowly stepped up to my dad. His face looked so restful.

I sat in a chair and reached for his grimy hand. "Daddy?" I said quietly. "Please wake up." In a moment I realized my hand had dropped and I now stood next to my mom in front of the grave.

She bent and faced me. "Hold on to those you love, he is here with us I promise."

"We still have each other mommy. Forever!" She hugged me tightly. I squeezed my eyes tightly and opened them to be standing beside her grave. I looked to Dallas who now stood beside me.

I bowed my head and turned to walk away. As we walked I looked up at the sun that grew brighter until everything turned to white light.

I lifted my bloody hand to shield my eyes from the blinding light. I pulled my eye lids open to flutter them as my vision cleared. I felt a salty wave wash over my legs. I felt the scratchy sand beneath my sore body. Somehow... I had come to the shore.

                               The end

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