At the store my dudes

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Hello, I'm Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy and I'm doing this because I fucking can. So I'm currently at the store going to look at the eyeliner because I'm extremely low and need to stock up. Well you know, cruising and shit through the store for eyeliner but I get sidetracked and go to look at the pet things. "Holy shit they have fucking FISH" I say to myself as I go up and look at all the fish that are swimming in their tanks not giving a shit.

But then I move on and go through the toys section and get to the bikes and skate board etc. I pull out a red and black skate board and go down the aisle, wobbling a bit. This is why I need Patrick here because I spend too much time doing shit like this instead of doing what I came to do.


Sorry it's short but it's a thing RIP - Love Tyjo |-/

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