Where Were You.

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A/N: Hey guys, here is the result of one more collab from TheTrailOfTears and me. I hope you'll enjoy this one <3 Please vote and tell us what you think. And also, from now on, this account will be for only our collaborations. I'll create another one for myself but those fanfictions that I've already written and posted here, will remain on this account. More collabs are coming ;)

South America - the continent, where, as always, is unbearable heat. Probably every inhabitant is used to that climate, what can't be said about Scandinavian people.
The road was free, the Sun was starting to rise and painted sky in beautiful, soft colours. It was nearly 6 o'clock in the morning, and there were no cars at the highway, save the one big tour bus that was hurrying from Cordoba to Buenos-Aires. Everybody was asleep in the bus, except two, main members of the band. Sounds of their laughter filled the air, not letting others sleep. Tuomas and Tarja were wide awake; both hated sleeping in the bus, so they sat in front section of it. Tarja actually had managed to fall asleep several times, but the keyboarder woke her up every time. He ruffled her hair and got well-deserved slap for that, this caused him to tease her harder, he either played with her hair again, or pinched her nose and cheeks. In the end, both started tickling each other and roared with laughter, no more caring about their poor bandmates, who were obviously disturbed by sounds of their bickering. There were tears in Tarja's eyes, when she finally managed to cry out "Enough!" and catch her breath. Tuomas brought his face closer to hers, their breath got caught in their throats, suddenly, he pinched her cheek again and jumped backwards. In response, the singer's fist met Tuomas' shoulder and she dissolved into laughter. Meanwhile, the band's smallest member emerged from the back of the bus. "We are trying to sleep here!" Emppu declared, rubbing his eyes. When his eyes opened fully and got adjusted to the light, the scene in front of him melted his heart and he laughed. "Our lovebirds." Mumbled the guitarist and went closer to the couple. The sun had already risen and rays of sunlight blinded the three of them. "It's time to wake up; we'll enter the city in a few minutes." Said Tuomas and glanced at the singer, who was so tried from their fight that could hardly keep her eyes open. Tarja put her head on Tuomas' shoulder and he shuddered at the feeling, even though he was almost used to it already. The keyboarder opened his mouth to tell Emppu something, but was stopped by a lump in his throat. When he glanced at the spot where the tiny guitarist was standing before, he found it empty.

After 20 minutes, the band members were hauling their luggage to their rooms. Turned out that the boys' room was right on the opposite of Tarja's and the singer smiled to herself, knowing that Tuomas would be there if she needed anything. The keyboarder helped Tarja to carry her heavy baggage to her room; she was so tired that even opening the door was hard for her. "Somebody is really tired." Said Tuomas after putting Tarja's trunks in her room, and chuckled. "I wonder why." Tarja smiled as well. "My stomach still hurts, and my cheeks, nose and even hair." She threw Tuomas a fake angry glance. "You'd better go take shower, get ready and come down, you have two hours, Miss." The keyboarder said and winked. "We have signing session." He added and disappeared in his room. Tarja shook her head and went inside, too. She immediately took off her clothes, found clean ones and went in the bathroom. Cool water made her drowsier, drops of water lazily rolled down her flawless body. Remembering Tuomas' behavior that morning, she smiled to herself. Suddenly, smile disappeared from her face as she heard somebody walk into her room. Shit, I forgot to lock the door! She thought with horror. The singer strained her ears, trying to catch a slightest sound, but couldn't hear anything except the sound of water. The handle of the bathroom door twitched, as if somebody was testing if the door was open or not. Tarja's heart sped up and she breathed heavily. The handle twitched again; through the turbid glass of shower cabin Tarja saw a silhouette, a man entered the bathroom. The singer squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the worst, when - "BOO!" The door of shower cabin slid open and naked Tuomas roared with laughter. "Tuomas you idiot!" Tarja yelled. "God, you scared me!" "That was my intention." Tuomas chuckled. Throwing a hungry glance at Tarja's body, he groaned. "I missed this sight." "Tuomas, we haven't had sex for only two days." The singer gave back. "Yeah, exactly." The keyboarder responded and closed the distance between himself and Tarja, capturing her lips in a loving kiss.

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