You Can't Date an Angel A Cas one shot

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this was made for quotev user D A M O N F I Z Z Y

"I told you, Cas, I'm done! We agreed on this, we would leave each other alone, and stop hurting each other." I should probably bring you up to speed on this whole argument. My name is Ricki, and I was 'dating' an angel. You don't date angels though. Take Castiel for instance; he's an ancient and terrifying multi-faced multi-winged paranormal creature of eldritch proportions. How does a human 'date' that?

Anyways, we called it quits a month ago. All we did was hurt each other, the love wasn't real, ect ect. It was decided mutually, and since then, Dean and I have had a 'thing'. Last night, Dean told me he wants to be serious, and before I can give him an answer Cas wants me to come back to him.

How screwed up is that? I have a choice between a fallen angel and a tortured hunter. And I don't know what to do. "Cas, just, give me a couple hours, let me think it over." He nods, and disappears.

Now I have to make a choice. I can choose Dean, or I can choose Cas. Both are hunters, in a sense. They both come with baggage, I mean, dude, who saves the world several times and doesn't have mental problems? Cas has the whole hiding from heaven thing, and he gets attacked every other week, but Dean, Dean just pisses everyone off. Cas and I don't fight as much, but when we do its hurtful. Dean and I fight a lot, But its fun to make up immediate.

I have to make a choice, but I don't want to. Lucky for me, Dean, Cas, Sam and I have to go on a hunt. NOT. Its a simple hunt, no look it up in the paper, have to find the details. Just a quick werewolf thing that Bobby had put together, we needed to go to the spot, kill the monsters, then get the hell out of town. Simple.

After another hour, I hear a knock on my hotel room door. I hear Dean's deep voice muffled through the door. "We gotta go!" Sighing, I grab the small bag I bring on every hunt full of all of my things. "Coming!" I yell, just before stepping out of the door. I turn around from shutting the door and run straight into Dean's broad chest. "Sorry." I mutter, and duck around him, avoiding eye contact and evading attempts at conversation. In the Impala, I put on my headphones and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep until we arrived there, about three hours later.

"So how long until they turn?" I ask. I had made a rule, I don't believe anything until I've seen it with my own eyes; meaning I won't kill the werewolves until I know they are werewolves. It makes it harder, and Dean hates it, but they go along with it. "Only a couple more hours, of course it would be so much easier if you would just let us go in now and take care of it." I shake my head, but freeze when I hear the familiar flapping of wings. Unless Balthazar came out of hiding, Cas is here. I turn around and I'm greeted by his icy blue eyes staring straight at me.

"I checked the house, its full." Cas says, staring straight at me. Dean glares at Cas, I'm assuming they have found out that they are both trying to 'win' me. I'm debating how I feel about that, I'm not a toy. "What do you mean, 'full'? How many are in there?" Sam asks. "Seventeen." Cas reply's, only glancing over to Sam for a second before returning his gaze to me. He walks over to me and asks in a quiet voice; "Ricky, can we talk?" His voice breaks my heart, but I just shake my head. I still have feelings for Cas, I have feelings for Dean, I want to be happy, but I don't want to hurt anyone.

"Can we just go in now?" Sam asks, and for once I agree. Cas knows for a fact they aren't human, they aren't innocent, and there's no reason to risk getting bit by changed werewolves." Lets just get this over with."

We drove to the house, an old, but nicely maintained house, painted light blue. It looks like a doll house, its huge. All of its lights are on, and there are moving shapes behind closed curtains. We planned out how we were gonna do this in the short ride here. Sam was going to cut the electricity, I would sneak in the back and Cas and Dean would zap into the middle of everything.

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