fallin for him

851 19 2

Chris get yo ass up!! (N)

shit I'm up!! (C)

man I can't believe I had the same Dream about him last tonight can't get him of my mind.His soft lips touching mines and I get to see him to day Damn I need to get dressed.

if u want a ride to school u need to get yo ass down stairs now. (N)

I'm coming give me sec damn she get on my nerves can't even scratch my ass. (C)

I've been living with my sister for two months now and she all ready gettin on my ass. since the accident can't  leave her side i love her to much. after putting on my clothes ran down stairs and got my bag  ran out the door and got in the car.

so u was just gonna leave me. (C)

hell yeah told u to come on. so how u been nicki said

what do u mean? (c)

damn I'm just asking. why are u so defensive? (N)

nothing just had a bad dream.(c)

about mom and dad? (N)

I don't want to talk about it (c)

Ok ok u don't want something to eat before school? (N)

naw I'm good sis (c)

u need to eat c (n)

don't call me that!! (c) 

my mom used to call me that and she not my mom.

Ok just saying bro u haven't been eating and I'm worried about u. (n)

I'm coo.(c)

u sure.(n)

Yes!! (C)

we arrived at school.

Love  u sis. (C)

Love u too have a good day. (N)

Ok u don't have to pick me up after school I'll get a ride. (C)

I wasn't gonna pick yo ass up anyways u ain't got no gas money nigga. (N)

Lol shut up bye.(c)


I walked into school and I heard a voice

Chris sup man .James said (my BFF)

sup  bro (c)

Did u see the game last night? (J)

Yea D Rose killed it (c)

Yea I know right. Did u get my text last night? (J)

Yea dude I got it in my locker (c)

Ight bring it to mr. Towers class ima meet u there (j)

Ight bro. (C)

. I walked to my locker and I saw Brandon  standing there  his eyes were blue and grey he had onred polo v neck shirts what is black cargo pants .

What are you doing here?(c)

Look we need to talk (b)

What do we need to talk about you said everything last night(c)

Everything last night was a blur I don't remember anything(b)

That's a fucking lie you know you remember everything.You just don't want to be a man about it you know you have feelings for me. (C)

Just look I can hang around you anymore its too much shit going on. (B)

No you just afraid of coming out of the closet(c)

Fuck you Chris! (B)

Go fuck yourself Brandon oh wait you like it when I do it you know what fuck this shit I don't have time for it you can go fuck yourself (c)

He pushed me into the lockers and punched me in the .face I throw him down to the ground and punch them until he started bleeding a teacher came and got me off of him. why is love so fucking hard u try loving me somebody and they fuck you over. fuck love I'm too young to be loving people anyway.

fallin for himWhere stories live. Discover now