Chapter 2

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Luke's P.O.V.

I texted Cas at least ten times and I haven't gotten anything back from her. I'm worried about her and how am i going to study if I'm worried?But before I go , I'm gonna get something to eat. We have left over pizza from the other night. I take it out and eat it cold. I get a call thinking it's her and get happy, yet it's Matt one of my buds from school. I answer it.


Hey, Matthew.

Dude, what's wrong. 

Nothing, thought you were some else.

Oh, that chick.

Yeah, and her name is Cassie dude.

Sorry I forget. 

Well, remember.

Dude chill you act like her boyfriend.

I'm not I'm her best friend.

And it kills you, doesn't it.

I think for a minute. It does kill me that I'm her best friend. I remember the last real steady girlfriend I had. It was last year, and I remember I broke up with her cause she didn't want me to see Cas anymore which made me mad.

Flash Back.

My phone goes off it was a text from Hazel.   (Hazel/Haze is Cassie's nickname from Luke.)

Josh dumped me,  he said he didn't want to be together anymore.

I replied with an see you in ten.

I was at the park to get out,  Bryn my girlfriend at the time, wanted to go to prom, and she was stressing me out, she want everything to be perfect. I started to walk to the car, and get in when I get a call from Bryn. 

Hey, babe what's up?

Where are you !

Calm down, what do you mean.

You're supposed to pick me up to go get my dress and you're tux.

I can't go babe.

Why not !?

Calm down, Cassie got dumped by Josh I'm going to she her.

No you're not I don't want you to see her anymore.

No, she's my best friend I going to she her. 

No you won't not while you're dating me.

Then I'm sorry but we're done Bryn.

But prom is tomorrow.

Have fun. Goodbye Bryn

I had gotten to Haze's  and told her that I broke up with Bryn and she asked why, and I told so we could be single together, which made her laugh.

Luke you there?

Yeah sorry I zoned out.

It must really kill you then bud.

It does.

I can tell.

I have to go, she's not answering her texts.

Go, then.

I am.

I  hang up on Matt and head next door to see her. I have a key to her place, i unlock it and see everything. I see Ms. Smith with her head in blood. Why did she do it i wonder. If this has happened Cassie knows I need to find her and help her. I see her , she's been crying. I walk over to the couch, and hug her, right as we touch see starts to cry.

It's okay, I'm here, cry as  much as you need.

O-Okay, Luke stay right here. She tells me this and I want to hold her tight, like this forever.

I'll stay right here, Hazel . The pain just wants to be felt. Sh laughs a bit, but she still cries.

How very, Luke, how very. Even in a time like this she can still quote one of her 80's movie. 

You want to stay over at my place tonight. She nods, I speak on. 

Okay, you still have clothes at my place, you want to go now? She nods once more.

I pick Cassie up carrying her over to my place next door, i open the door, going threw the living room down the hall to my room and set her on the bed, then walking out to find my mom and break to her that her best friend died, and her daughter is staying the night.

The look she gave , made me think that this is how i will look when I find out that Hazel is dead or when she finds out that I'm died.I walk mom to bed making sure that she falls asleep. I head back to the room to find Cass asleep in a ball. I take a seat on the bed, and start to play with her hair.

Cassie, if you could hear me you would be proud. so I actually read If I Stay even though I told you I didn't, what I'm about to say is true even though it's a quote." But the you who you are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the same you I'll be in love with tomorrow.I went over to your place when you and Jake were watching Pretty and Pink, and the guy says " I love this woman and I have to tell her. And if she laughs she laughs. I love her to much?" and that moment I thought to myself I know how you feel. I stop talking to her and lay there looking at how peaceful she looks, until i fall asleep.

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