Kanae's Anger.

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It is better to face your fears than flee before them.

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"I will never leave you Setsu. A dream is a dream, but in this world or the next I will be the one walking beside you always." he kissed her hair again. He knew she was already asleep, her breathing became shallow. As he held the girl he loved in his arms he fell asleep too, no longer feeling the dark emptiness the room had held before.

The door opened slowly as the long nose quivered they were both there sleeping. Creeping in, he looked onto the bed and lay at their feet to sleep with his pack.

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The next week went by in a blur. Kyoko was OK with Kuma but she didn't once reach out to him like she had done that afternoon, instead she kept her weary distance and never was Ren allowed to leave her in a room alone with Kuma. He wouldn't complain and even after the lock was fixed on the guest room door it seemed Kyoko's fear was still too great to give up her 'Teddy bear.' So each night she slept in his bed. He was lucky he had Cain to fall back on as he didn't know how he would cope otherwise and no matter where they put Kuma short of locking him in every night he would appear in the bedroom with them and sleep near them.

It was Monday morning, the start of their second week together. They had called LME as Ren had some new offers to pick up. They were walking down the corridor together, all four of them Ren and Kuma in front while Kyoko walked a little way behind talking to Yashiro when an angry voice made them all stop dead in their tracks.

"MO! Where have you been? Do you realise I've been worried sick?" Kyoko turned instantly to see her tall, beautiful, raven-haired best friend Kotonami Kanae as she stalked down the corridor towards them.

"MOKO-SAN!" Kyoko screamed charging at the taller girl who stopped her dead in her tracks with the look she gave her

"Don't you dare Moko-san me! Where have you been for the last week? Why is your phone switched off and where the hell are you living?" Kanae was angrier than anyone had ever seen her as she shouted at the shorter younger girl before her. Even Chiori who had been following behind Kanae shrunk away from her as she glared at Kyoko

"I thought I would surprise you yesterday so I went to the Darumaya only to be told due to a new role you would be living in the LME apartments for awhile. I go there only to be told that all your things had been moved out and they were not at liberty to tell me where you had gone. Mo, so I call Chiori-chan just to be told no one has seen you since last Monday and to top it all off Sawara-san tells me that they have not contacted you at all in that time as the president has told everyone you need time to get into your role. Plus your phone has been off all day and all night. You could have been kidnapped or hurt somewhere and no one seems to know what was going on or if they did, they weren't telling. We were just on our way to see the president and here I find you happy as can be with Tsuruga-san and Yashiro-san!" Kanae was furious and Kyoko looked at her with loving eyes as if she was a cute kitten.

"Were you worried about me, Moko-san?" she asked looking endearingly at the older girl as flowers flew through the air around them.

"Mo! Of course not! But I thought we were best friends and that you would at least tell me where you're living now!" but she was fooling no one. They could all see the relief in her anger that Kyoko was safe and well even if she didn't want to admit it.

"As you can see she is fine and dandy." said a booming voice as President Takarada came striding down the corridor. Today he was wearing a full set of cowboy attire. From the Stetson on his head to his spiked spurs he looked like he had just stepped out of the Old West, his aide beside him also in the same style of clothing. Kanae glared. She would not answer back to the president of her own talent agency though she might have if it would have been before she found Kyoko.

Kyoko's Fear: My co-star is scary. (A Skip Beat! Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now