...Caught in the wrong position...

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Well who else came in as Step the only person I didn't want to see this moment. As usual he noticed me in the room immediately and started with  "You two look kindda busy. I won't bother you I will just take a clean t-shirt and leave. Just act like I'm not here at allll." I just rolled my eyes and tried to act like nothing happened. But it didn't work totally as I wanted and Gabbe noticed it.

Gabbe's POV

Amanda was just speechless staring at the ground after Step came into the room and said "You two look kindda busy. I won’t bother you I just take a clean t-shirt and leave. Just act like I'm not here at allll..” As usually I knew he would get the thing totally wrong and he sure did. The first thing that caught his mind was just some silly stuff.  So I tried to get hand over the situation even though that was impossible and I had no idea what I could say or do. Well at least I tried to. "Step give it up you are just jealous." I thought he would reply other like he did "hahahah.... I will leave you two love birds alone! Have fun!" was his answer and before he left he said to her "But don't be too loud the walls are thin!" and made a huge grin. I wasn't shocked because he used to talk like this really often. As I turned to Amanda and saw that her cheeks got red. She looked so cute I just couldn't keep it to myself. "em... i'm sorry for him but he is always like that." She just formed some kind of smile and turned back to the bathroom. I didn't want to say anything because I had no idea how she would react. She went past the mirrors but didn't take a look at herself. As she reached her room she turned around and almost as she closed the door she said "You know... He is stupid as hell." and laughed. After that she closed the door and that was it. I laid on my bed and started to daydream, I guess, because soon I fell asleep. A bit after <at least I think so> Step came back and jumped on my bed "Heyaa! So where is your chick?" I didn't replied because that was nonsense what he was talking about. She isn't mine and how should I know where she is? Am I her bodyguard or something... As I was thinking about this, suddenly her mother called for breakfast. So me and Step went down into the dinning room. "Really!" was my reaction on where I should sit. I could see, Step clearly tolled every one what he thought he had seen. But he was wrong! As she came down a second after she wasn't that happy either but sat down beside me. "Nawh.. Don't they look cute together?" Stepsaid and tried to play the game >>lets make Gabbe mad<< but I cut him off for the first time "Could you let us in peace? At least when we eat you could let us air to breath!" and he sure did after that. We were done after a while with that and I went upstairs again into the room. As I put some music on Mike opened the door and just sneak peeked in "Are you sure you are ok?" he asked and O just answered with "Yea!" and he said "But you do realize if you wouldn't like her even a bit you would say 'Amanda and I'. As you usually do! But you clearly said us." after that he just closed the door and left. Is it true, do I actually like her?


#later in the night

I went to take a bath since I thought I wouldn't bother anyone. Gabbe and Step are sleeping of that I'm sure. Anyway I stepped into the bathroom and didn't turn on the light I didn't want to wake anyone up with that... The tub was just so inviting I made myself a nice spa treatment. I let hot water in and put some oil and other stuff in. I undressed and jumped in. It was so relaxing. I put some good music on and started to listen to it. The sound of it made me a bit sleepy and suddenly the light went on. I almost wanted to make a bet with myself that it was Darcy. But no I heard a boys voice talking "Yea dude we should definitely do this!" and then "Sorry but can’t talk louder the people are sleeping"... But that was it he went out and turned the light off. Thanks God he was just leaning against the door and didn't get closer to me. But anyway I got so much bubbles and soap in here so he wouldn't see a thing.

#10 minutes later 

I was still in the tub relaxing and enjoying the water.  As someone opened the door again but didn't turn the light on I hadn't even paid attention to it, until it was to late. I wasn't prepared to this! He turned the little light on by the mirror. And as I saw it was someone I just screamed and closed my eyes <I guess it was a reflex>. Soon after <like a second> someone was pressing a hand on my lips... so I couldn't scream.  I opened my eyes and saw Gabbe staring at me and his face was really, really close to mine. "Please don't scream again, I don't want to wake everyone up, ok?" he whispered and  I just blinked with my eyes, he let go. After a bit Step appeared behind the corner and started to laugh.

Step: "Whoo hoo... Perfect boyfriend - girlfriend potential in front of me! And it’s just the 3rd evening, oh boy oh boy... Can’t wait to see more!"

Me: "Dream on Stefano and get out of my bathroom! "

Step: "Our bathroom sugar! We have to share it! For at least one more week. And anyway I'm gonna leave you love birds alone. I bet you want some privacy... <He said with a huge grin on his face>"

Me: "We certainly won’t need it! And stop dreaming or calm your imagination a bit... "

Gabbe: "He won’t need to in a while <He winked at me after that> And anyway I haven't seen anything that I haven't seen before. "

Me: "I bet even you saw bubbles before hahah.. And everything is nice covered in them. I just hope you will make him understand this."

 I just made a sad face and looked down. The only thing that was left for that was a bit of hope that Step wont scream this around. And actually nothing happened here. But he will blew it off as he did in the morning.

Gabbe: "I will make sure he won’t say a word, ok . I promise you this! And when I promise something, I keep my promise!"

I just smiled after that for an unknown reason and he left the bathroom without saying good night. But it’s ok if he will at least fix this. He just chought us in a wrong situation nothing else!  As I went out of the tub and changed into my pyjama I could hear the talking. 

Gabbe: "Step please don't blow thing whole thing off again. Nothing happened and I haven't seen anything. So don't make a completely new story about it ok?"

Step: "Woow, why so direct?"

Gabbe: "Because you would tell it to everyone!" <Desperate>

Step: "I was right! You like the girl, don't you?"

As I heard that I just froze on the spot I was standing and I just heard my heart beat getting faster. Does he? Was the only question repeating in my head. And will there be any answer or will he just block it off? But then there was the answer...

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