5; fly away

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I groaned as I felt Luke shake me awake. We've been in the cell for another seven hours, making a total of eleven hours in the place.

"What?" I snapped, sitting up and running my eyes. The moon shone through the 'window' illuminating the cell.

"I can't sleep," Luke whispered. I pursed my lips and I positioned comfortably again, closing my eyes.

"Sounds like a you problem."

I felt Luke groan before shaking me up yet again.

"Luke! Stop!" I whisper shouted before turning over. It was very quiet after a few minutes, which was weird, so I sat up and looked over at Luke.

"I can explain." He said quickly. My cheeks turned a bright red as Luke held his hands over his area in his jeans. "You turned over and your - your ass was just, yeah," he breathed.

I stood up before looking out the cell. I huffed and turned back around to look at Luke.

"This is only a one time thing, don't think I'm getting back together with you, or that I like you again." I said as I got on my knees and unbuckled his jeans.

"O-okay—" Luke stuttered as I pulled down his pants and boxers. I bit my bottom lip before taking my hand and wrapping it around him. I then moved it up and down as Luke moaned, pre-cum on my hand.

I then out my mouth around him as I bobbed my head up and down. I felt Luke's hand rest on the back of my head before grasping my curls in it.

After I few minutes I pulled away and stood up, wiping my mouth.

"A-Ashton," Luke breathed. "You can't leave me like this," he gestured to his member before I shrugged.

"You had a two minute limit."

"You never told me that!" Luke whined before pulling up his boxers and pants.

"Hey," I snapped. "I did you a favor, don't push it." I said glaring at him. "That was a free blow job." I said before sitting back down.

I closed my eyes and rested.


"Both of you, up!" I heard. My eyes opened as I felt a weight around my hip. I looked down to see Luke's arm draped over my waist before I pushed it off, and then pushed his body on the ground.

I stood up as Luke groaned and looked up at me.

"What the hell?" He questioned.

"Don't do that. We aren't together and I don't want you touching me like that." I said as Luke stood up and rubbed his eyes.

"Why can't you just see I want you?!" Luke questioned again. I rolled my eyes and threw my hands in the air.

"Because that's exactly it! You don't want me! You just want a fuck buddy and than you'll leave me again! It's just gonna keep happening if I 'take you back'."


"You're free to go," I heard. I looked over at the police officer unlocking the cell before he walked away. I gasped before running out and meeting Calum.

"Oh my god you bailed us?!" I questioned hugging him.

"Yeah, I know how much you hate him and I felt bad." Calum laughed. "Your mum helped out a little bit once I told her it was 100% Luke's fault."

We pulled away before I turned around and watched as Luke looked down at his shoes.

"Thanks you dipshit for getting me in here. Now I have a god damn mugshot!" I snapped, as I walked over and slapped his cheek.

"Woah there Ashton calm down." Calum pulled me away from Luke. I breathed heavily before calming myself down.

"Let's go Calum." I said.

This is definitely why Luke and I will never work out.

He's just a deadline.


The end.

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