47 (2)

12 1 1

I thought about it. We were both terrified and I honestly, judging our chances didn't think we could make it.

"Let's continuing hiding," I whispered.

Max nodded, causing his auburn hair to flop over his eyes for a second.

We both held our breath as our eyes froze at the door ahead of us. Creaking floorboards were close by.
The door opened a little bit, but not enough to shine light on us.

"Hey, Magnum, I found something," Reggie said.

The creaks moved across the room.

If Magnum had found me . . .

My fingers squeezed Max's wrist.

Please, oh please please please don't let them find us!

Pounding of footsteps grew louder to the door.

"Magnum, the two security guards got away," a voice of a teen called out.

Magnum growled lowly. I could imagine the look on his face. His grayish eye brows gathering in anger, thin lips stretched in a gruesome frown, and the scar across his chin wrinkling. It didn't feel like that long ago when I first got that look, before he . . . 

"Tina, Kalvin, Reggie, go take care of them. Oscar, you're coming with me."

"Magnum, I almost had them! Please, give me another—"

"That's enough out of you!" Magnum shouted and smashed his fist into the table.

I squeezed my eyes shut, Stop it memory.

"Yes . . . yes, sir."

"Now go."

Everyone hustled out. It seems like the other patients that we thought were on his level were just his workers. Doesn't surprise me.

The sounds of footsteps on the floor faded from earshot. We waited a few seconds before slowly coming out.

Max and I slowly crept out of our hiding place, avoiding the shards of wood as best as we could of the small wooden table in the room.

Max found freeze-dried ice cream and chicken and a few Slim-Jims while I found two Thermoses and a backpack. We loaded all of our new supplies into the backpack. We also took a few knives, two pistols, and extra bullets.

"Ready to go?" Max asked as he slung the back pack over his shoulders.

I stared at Anthony's guard jacket. Magnum had left it. I don't know exactly why I thought that he would take it, but I figured something would be done with it.

"Hey," Max's hand brushed my arm. My eyes snapped up to his.

Max blinked a bit and then moved his hand to the back of his head, "You, uh, ready to go?"

I slowly nodded.

He glanced down at the jacket. He slung off the backpack and folded the jacket carefully, placing it in the backpack, "You can give this back to Anthony when we see him again."

I glanced at the ground and brushed some hair behind my ear, ". . .yeah."

Max waved me to the door, "Let's go. We need to find another place to hide."

He smiled at me.

I nodded.

Thank you.

So if you chose this choice keep reading the chapter that say 2 beside them in parentheses.

Read on!

-The Author

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