Time's Short, Like A Bridge

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She groaned in aggravation of the long drive causing the driver to glance over and grin at her. She catches the grin and giggles silently inside. Everytime she looks at him she feels more and more butterflies in her stomach.
As they drive across the bridge she starts to feel sea sick even though it's just a bridge. He coughed and she looked over at him quickly because of it. He cleared his throat and she smiled at him, her eyes full of love. He caught her gaze and returned a smile, but they looked at eachother too long, when he looked back toward the road there was an animal of some sort walking in front of their car. He swerved to avoid it with success but caused them to crash into the wall of the bridge. The wall stone shattered and the car drove off the bridge. She screamed realizing what was happening as the car plummeted into the water. The car wasn't filling up very fast but it was fast enough. Quickly they removed their seatbelts. She was in complete hysterics. She didn't know how to swim. "We'll get out of the car at the sametime and as soon as you get out get to the roof of the car and i will get you." he told her as calmly as possible. On the count of three they opened the doors and the car immediately started to sink. She tried to get to the top of the car but it was going down at a rate where it wouldn't matter if she did or not but she still tried. Her fear made it harder. Struggling to get to the top she felt one of his arms wrap around her waist. pulling her to surface.
He started swimming them to the nearest area of land. Reaching mud and grass they both collapse onto the ground. He is panting from exhaustion. She takes a deep breath and sits up and did he. With extreme joy she wrapped her arms around him in a big hug thankful that they are alive. He holds her close not letting go. They sit like that for five minutes.
Finally they are both somewhat relaxed after what had happened. he stands up and reaches a hand down to her to help her up. Both standing there not knowing what to do being in the middle of nowhere at the bottom of a bridge, he starts walking up the hill towards the road. She starts quickly after him.
When they get to the top and are at the end of the bridge he snickers and says "Well, that's a new way to get to the end of a bridge, I don't think I'll suggest it to anyone though." She doesn't exactly appreciate the joke, she just stares at him in disbelief that he had actually said that. He looks at her and sees that what he had said upset her so he starts walking down the road in a solemn silence as she follows at a short distance behind.
After walking for what seemed like an infinite amount of silence he stops and turns to look at her. She looks at him slightly confused at the unsaid reason of why he stopped. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said what i said about the bridge.." he says starting to trail off, "I just was and still am in shock of what happened, I know how much it scared you, It scared me too. I'm sorry it happened." His apology startled her. "Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault." she explains. He looks down at the ground with shame in his face. "But it was my fault, I wasn't looking at the road when i should have been. I could have prevented this from happening, but i didn't. You could have been seriously injured or you could have.." he trailed off. he couldn't say it. He couldn't say that she could have died. She stares at him, tears almost in her eyes. Doesn't he realize that he could have died too?
"But I'm not. I'm alright. I'm right here, and I'm okay." she tries to reassure him. He still doesn't look at her. He continues to stare at the ground feeling ashamed. She walks over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. She is about to speak but he still refuses to look at her. She puts her free hand under his chin and gently tilts his face up to hers. There is deep sadness in his eyes. "This is not your fault. This could have happened to anyone but it happened to us. It might be soon but you have to forgive yourself. If you don't you'll never get past this." her voice is calm and reassuring. He tries to smile but he can't. "If anything had happened to you, I don't know what I would have done." his voice is almost trembling. She was so touched that she meant that much to him, but she can see strong sorrow in his face and it hurts her. She slides her hand from his shoulder to his back and pulls him in for a hug. He hugs her tightly gripping the back of her still damp shirt.
They resume walking. After silently walking for almost an hour she realizes that it's time, it's past time and she has to tell him now. She runs up in front of him and stops facing him.
"What's wrong, are you okay?" he asks genuinely concerned. She takes a deep breath almost rethinking her decision. She knows that she has to tell him now before she never can. "I... I have to tell you something.." she starts to stutter with the fear of losing him. He stares at her with some amount of confusion. "Okay," she takes another deep breath, "here it goes." she looks into his eyes and sees his curiosity. "I know you don't want to relive what happened but we both could have di-died today," she stumbles over her words. "and that made me realize that we only have a short amount of time," she pauses to study his face but it's almost blank. "I now know that holding back and not telling you what I desperately want to tell you could last forever and you'll never know." She stops and tries to figure out what to say next, then he asks, "What haven't you told me?" His stare tells her that she has no way of getting out of this if she even wanted to. She has no choice but to tell him, but how is she to say it?
She starts stammering, "I... I um.. It's just that I.. Well.. I don't know how to tell y-" he cuts her off by stepping forward, cupping her cheeks, tilting her head up and kissing her. At first she's shocked, but just as fast as the shock came it passes and delight ensues. Time dissipated from both of their thoughts. They were lost in each other, but only for a short time. He abruptly parts them from each other. Her eyes slowly open in confusion.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You were just talking about holding back and that we shouldn't and I just.. I'm sorry." He explains shamefully. She smiles and looks away. Somehow everything fell into place.
"Thank you." she says trying to hide her smile that was gradually growing wider. She can see him out of the corner of her eye and looks completely baffled. He's staring at her, his mouth agape. He doesn't understand what he just heard. "What, Why?" He asks in astonishment. She looks up revealing her wide smile that's full of joy. "Thank you for doing what I couldn't because it says in itself, everything I wanted to say."

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