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Once you face your fear, you change a lot. It's not about becoming braver, it's mostly focused on loosing something. For some people it's better to be less experienced, less aware but more of an observing kid full of curiosity to this world. You learn about something, but you don't try it by yourself, so it stays kind of a mysterious fact for you. But when you actually face your fear you loose that wonder to it, you loose something that made you different from others, you become fearless, you get to your "perfect point". It's similar to the stories of every single hero from comics. Once Batman wins in the fight with Joker, everyone might forget him. So what do you do after you win the fight against your fear?

On a sunny, more of a sultry day of Summer 2010, when the surroundings are mostly covered with green branches and the major sound in the air is the whispering of the leaves nothing happened but Robert's eighth birthday. The boy was sitting on a large terrace with an open view to the smooth waves of the Black Sea. Seemed like he was hypnotized by the salty sea breeze, brought by the slight accent of the wind in this area. In the city of tourists, under the roof of the nicest house of Victor and Victoria Bronsky, surrounded by the presents of the nicest friends, Robert was thinking about how much he is afraid. Afraid of changes, afraid of new responsibilities - afraid of growing up.

"He, as the second man of our family, has to get his courage to the incredible level. Only Summer Military Camp can help him!" said Victor, the father and the owner of the richest house in the city. "Robert is not a future bag of muscles! He, as one of the cleverest students in his school and as one who is not as chatterbox as his father, must go to the new-created Summer Science Camp! Knowledge is the power nowadays!" complained Victoria, the mother and the owner of the richest family in the city. "I am, as the one who is still capable to stay alive in such a family and someone who is not allowed to resist the parents' will, going to the Grandma's beach house and have some fresh-cooked  cookies" murmured Robert and left, followed by steady gaze  of his parents. "Don't loose your conscience on the way, my son. I heard your murmur" commanded father, while Robert was going down the stairs to the main entrance.
Grandma's beach house is one more importunate problem to Robert's parents. It was built only because Grandma insisted on it. Grandma once said that she will annoy their eyes and ears till the end of their life, unless they build her a beach house not far from their property, so that in case of tsunami she dies first. Robert was pretty shocked after hearing his inimitable grandma telling it to his parents, but he kept on believing that she was just playing with them a very scary joke.
When Robert reached the beach house he noticed through the small round window of the building that Grandma wasn't alone. What a great shock he got when he saw someone slowly stealing all of his cookies. Robert instantly broke in to the house to catch the mysterious thief. The girl was here, right in the middle of the room. She was caught but not punished. "Too beautiful offender" Robert thought to himself. It was definitely the first time he got so amazed and fascinated just by the first glance on a girl. To escape the girl's trap of beauty Robert started his talk " Grandma, parents are doing their everyday ritual... again". While saying this Robert kept staring at the girl, like she is the one who is supposed to respond to his complains. Grandma gave him a serious look, after which she smiled and said: "What's this gloom in your words? They are sure doing it for your own good".  Robert glanced at her before he noticed the girl not even secretly eating one more cookie from the plate. It caused greedy Robert irritation, so that he went straight up to the plate with cookies and immediately took the precious cookie. Unfortunately for Robert such a sudden move didn't scare the girl at all so she kept on taking more cookies from the plate. "Summer camp importance, Grandma" he said before he took a bite. All of a sudden Grandma exclaims: " Oh my! Mona! I remember you told me that you, last summer, also have been to a Summer Camp. Forgive me my terrible memory, and remind me which one was it". "Mona" Robert murmured quietly to himself so that he remembers the name clearly. The girl which succeed in trapping Robert so well is named Mona.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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