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Silver storm pack
Leader - drake  - a multi color timber wolf with deep yellow eyes
Beta - Alisha - a all Amber wolf with blue eyes
Daisy - a white she-wolf with black spots and green eyes.
Trinity - all black she-wolf with navy blue eyes
David - dark brown wolf with white specks and Amber eyes
Matt - brown and black wolf  with green eyes
Diamond thunder pack
Leader - Cassie, all white she-wolf with kind blue eyes
Beta - Evan, brown and grey wolf with green eyes
Colton - sandy colored wolf with brown eyes
Tony - black wolf with green eyes
Kenzie - blounde and white she wolf with blue eyes
Brook - all grey wolf with grey eyes
Danny - wood colored fur with green eyes
Susana - all black she wolf with teal eyes
Jaden - Amber and black wolf with black eyes
Nate - dark brown and tan wolf with grey eyes

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