4. The attack

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" so before we train wanna go out and eat???" I ask. " sure, where?" Colton asks. " I'm craving ceaser salad still....so my fresh foods?" I ask. " sure!" He says I thought I was a werewolf, I am craving salad!! We drive to fresh foods. " hello, what would you like to drink" a man says. " I will have Coke" Colton says. " um I had so much Coke I'll have Sprite" I say. " ok anything else" the man ask. " no" we say. " ok well done am Nate and I will be your waiter" he says and walks away. Colton has a weird look. " I have a weird feeling about him..." I say. " me too" Colton says he was staring at me weirdly, I think I lost my appetite, no I want my salad. " so what are you getting" I ask him. "'Steak" he says. " so tell me about the pack" I say. " well actually every wolf in the pack was bitten, including Cassie" he says. " wow" I say. " I wasn't bit to long ago, maybe a week or two before you gotten bit" he says. " wow the weird do t you think?" I say. So we get our food   And eat. " wanna head to the park" he says. " sure!" I say. The we hear growing behind us. A brown and black wolf with black eyes attack us." Oh no" Colton says. " that wolf bit me" he says. " and me, but what dose that mean" I ask. " we have to listen to him.." He says.  " or what" I ask. " we die.." He says.

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