||January 1st, 2007||

13 1 2

Daddy just died. Mom hasn't stopped crying. I don't know why, it's not like she didn't see it coming. I've got mom for another 20 years, according to her death date. 12/4/27.

How lucky am I?

The more people I meet, the more deaths I encounter. My best friend Mackenzie is supposed to die in a couple of months. I plan on telling her tomorrow because, what's the point of just waiting around knowing when she will die

just like daddy?

Here I sit, alone as mom packs her bags. I think she packed mine a while ago. Her cheeks are stained and I can hear her soft sobs.


"Rayne, sweetie, I can't talk right now. I've got to... Head to the store. I'll bring you back some animal crackers, okay sweets?"

I glance at her suitcase that she holds tensely at her side. My soft smile causes something in her to snap, as she blows me a kiss and runs out of the house.

That was the last time I ever saw my mother, and the first time I ever met my uncle. In other words,

That was the day I was sent to hell.

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