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  I was walking out of college and you might think do you live in a dorm well, I didn't need dorm I lived near by, well anyways my name Ali Brooks I have brown eyes and brown to dirty brown hair and it's about medium length. I'm 21 years old and I'm about to finish college finally. I didn't want to go to college but my Pearnts forced me and I should probably tell you too that there forcing me to date this guy that's is rich like us. I don't really like him I hate him. His name is Chris and he's the worst. Anyways I got in my car and drove pearnts have forced me to do a lot of things. My life is controlled by them even if I am a 21 year old they still think I'm 5. When I got home I knew Chris was going to be there he always there and I hate it. We've been dating for 3 years and let me tell you they've been 3 years of misery
"Hello babe" he said walking up to me and hugging me
     "Hi" I said giving him a death glare and not hugging back my mom knew how much I hated him
    "Ali! Can you please smile for once" my mom yelled out
     "Yes"I said faking my smile and turing around and walking to my room while rolling my eyes
"Babe were going to a party at 6pm so be ready" he said grabbing my arm and spinning me around
"Mom do I-" she didn't even let me finish
"Yes you have to go" she loves this kid but I hated him they forced me to date him
"Fine... oh and Chris" I said looking at him while crossing my arms
"Yes darling" he said smirking
"Next time why don't you asked your side chick to go with you to go to your party's to get drunk with u" I said while Turing around and laughing while my mom was yelling at me in the background
He is sweet in front of my pearnts and innocent but behind closed doors he's aggressive he hits me and I won't be surprised if he has cheated on me. My pearnts think that's the "party's" we go to are just a hang out, but Ohhh are they wrong he gets drunk and he's hit me before so I'm not going to act surprised when he hits me. Yes I know it's sad but it's a life I have to live. I realized it was 4:36 so I started getting ready. I put on a black dress that went up to my knees and black flats with just eyeliner with mascara. I'm not a big fan of makeup and I grabbed my purse, my phone and jacket because I knew if I got cold Chris wouldn't give me his jacket.
"Ya ready babe" he said as he held the door open and yes my mom was watching us that's why he did it or else he would have screamed at me to get in
Yes you probably already realized that I am in an abusive relationship and I have tried talking to my mom but she's always saying no that can't be true he's so sweet and all that shît but in reality my life right now is living hell. I honestly wish I could just run out of this life. I really hope Chris is not the one I marry my life would be a living hell for life and my kids life...if he even wants to have kids he's such an asshole. Well you know my mom her name is Melanie she is very strict and likes Chris she has short hair she always wears high heels and always has a full face of makeup. She has dirty blond hair with hazel eyes.
    My dad or Richard which is his name...well his side of the story he could careless about my life I've tried talking to him a million times about my relationship but he doesn't care. He's pretty tall and so am I so that's were I got my tallness from you could say he has brown hair brown eyes and again he doesn't give a shît about my life. Him and my mom are close as there suppose to be and he always agrees with my mom so I have no one that really loves me in my life right now and well I'm sweet and I have no idea how my pearnts could be like that while I'm sweet.
    "UM HELLO WERE HERE" Chris said waving his hand in my face
    "Yea um right" I said getting out of the car
   "Hey yo Chris" said his best friend Jack
    "Hey man" he said while shaking his hand
    "I'm gonna go inside" I said while walking the loud house of music
   It was Jack's house his pearnts were pretty rich it was a huge house but not as big as mine. I was just walking around when I saw him. I saw him smiling and laughing he was perfect. Then I realized that I lived in this misery and I would never get a chance with him.
   I saw her standing in the door way to the garden you can call me stupid but she was beautiful and I knew I had to have her Idk she was something else.
     "Hey why you so lonely"I said snapping her out of her thoughts
     "Um well I just left my boyfriend because I don't like him" she said with I smile that made me feel warm inside
      "Why" I said with a frown
      "Because my pearnts are forcing me to date him because he's rich and so am i...they control my life" she said sighing
     "Oh well that's sucks I was hoping you didn't have a boyfriend" I said while leaning on the door way to the garden
     "Well sadly I do and I wish I didn't have him as a boyfriend" she said sighing once again
      "Let's go to a quieter place" I said grabbing her hand
    "Wait" she said grabbing my hand and yanking my back
     "I don't even know your name you could be a murrder for all I know" she said yelling over the music
     "I'll tell you later" I said dragging her to my car
      "We're are we going" she says looking at me
     "Somewhere...shall we" i said opening the door for me
    "Wow my boyfriend only opens the door for me when my Pearnts are looking" she said sighing once again while going in
    "Where are we going" she said with a big smile
    "Where I like to think " I said looking straight ahead to the road
-skip car ride-
   "We're here" he said opening the door for me
  "Wow" I said admiring the beautiful city of la from a cliff
    "Now tell me what's your name" he asked sitting down next to me
   " Ali Brooks and yours" I say looking off into the distance
    "Kian Lawley... How old are u" he asks after a pause
      "21 I got to college but I'm going to finish in about 2 weeks how about you" I ask getting closer to him(a/n: Kian is 21 in the story cuz he is currently 20)
     "I'm 21 too but I don't go to college I do YouTube videos for a living with my best friend Jc caylen" he said smiling back at me
"That's cool I'm never on YouTube because I'm always busy but I'll be sure to check you out" I said smiling back at him
"Do you think your boyfriend well be mad if he knows I took you" he said sounding worried
"Don't worry I'll makeup an excuse" I say sighing
"Do you want me to take you home or back to the party" he looking at the time
"Home please" I say getting up it was 12am and I wanted to go home and rest
"Okay let's go then beautiful" he said while I blush while being shocked he called me beautiful something Chris has never done it's only babe with him. I think Kian is so sweet he opens the door for me with out anyone seeing it I think I'll keep him around but I don't know if my pearnts will like that
HEY Guys I hope you like the first chapter I have so many ideas for this book so enjoy it's gonna be a heck of a rollorcoster byee ~me

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