chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:
(tylers pov)

As I'm laying in bed after a long day, I remember Josh gift for me. A cd.

As I stare at the colorful Cover of the cd, I try to think of where I could have left my radio. I used to have a small, beat up, radio.

I get up out of my bed and go to my closet. I push through the old t shirts I hung up to get some clutter out of my room, nothing. I look to my right on the floor, nothing.

The attic.

I get a ladder from the garage and open the small door on the ceiling. The attic was scary, I didn't like it.

As I climb up the ladder and turn on the light, the first thing I see; a toy piano.

I remember my old piano. a child's toy. My mom got it for me for Christmas when I was little, that's thing has gotten the crap beat out of it.

As I'm reliving my memories with my toy piano, I remember how much fun I used to have when I was little: not a care in the world. if only we could turn back time...

I catch myself staring blankly at this toy piano. I shake my head to stop and get back to what I was supposed to be doing; finding my radio. I search through scraps of paper, scrapbooks, old toys, and finally I found it. Just how I remember it. Old, rusty, and kinda gross.

I don't remember if it works or not.

I slowly go down the ladder and close the small door.

I walk into my room and plug in the radio. I get the Elvis Presley Cd that Josh have me and put it in. I can hear the scratchy sound of the cd turning. it works.

"let's see, what do I wanna listen to?"  I whisper gently.

Track 3: Can't help falling in love

perfect. my favorite song. as I press the old buttons to number 3, I look over abruptly to my ukelele I have bought earlier. It reminds me of Josh.

I feel a wave of boredom and hunger hit me as I repeatedly listen to can't help falling in love.

I get out my phone and go to Josh's contact:

Tyler: im hungry, is Taco Bell open?

Josh: Let me see, why?

Tyler: we should go get a bite; it's on me, I mean you did get me a cd today, it's the least I could do. can you hear the music playing from across the street?

Josh: I can come pick you up, are you ready? and no, turn that shit up so I can hear it and sing a long with my beautiful singing.

Tyler: I'm ready when you are, see you soon.

* 15 minutes later *

(Josh's Pov)

I anxiously choose a decent outfit, my favorite nasa shirt, black jeans, a red beanie, and some sneakers.

As I am leaving out the door I stop in the mirror by the living room and look at myself.

" please. don't. be. awkward. " I say to myself three times.

I walk out the door, get into my car, and pull the aux cord out. I just saved can't help falling in love to my Spotify. He's going to love this car ride.

I pull up infront of the apartment complex. I have to get him

I was sitting in silence for about a minute in front of the door ; I start to see the door jiggle. my heart beat gets faster and faster.

why am I so nervous? why does he make me feel this way? he makes me feel like a kid on a roller coaster, in a good way. I've never felt this way about anyone before, what does this mean?

my thoughts stop as I see Tyler infront of me waving in my face.

" race ya! " I scream as I'm running away.

I see him trying to catch up but he couldn't.
I run into my car and lock it.

" let me innnn let me innnn " he whins.

" only if you sing me a song on the way; my choice. " I said   in a uptight tone.

" fine; just let me innn! " raising his voice.

he makes me feel happy; real happiness, not the fake kind.

" guess what song your singing today " as I put the car out of park.

" what dj , what do I have to 'sing' for you today " he says in a whiny tone.

I stopped the car to put the aux in and can't help falling in love comes on.

I can see him smiling in the corner of my eye; a real smile. not a forced one.

" did I just see a genuine smile out of Tyler Joseph ? man, that's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

he playfully shoves me as he hears the song start to come on.

"WISE MEN SAY..." he screams obnoxiously; obviously not trying.

I join.

Tyler is going full out; singing at the top of his lungs; not a care in the world. he's so peaceful when he's happy, I wish he was always like this. I wish he realized what good he put in me, and happiness.

Sadly, the song ends. And Tyler of course, makes a grand finale with his amazing vocals.

as we pull up to Taco Bell we see that the lights are out.

" you've got to be kidding " Tyler Moans.

" Seriously. " I add.

well, what do we do now?

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