Brendon Urie

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"Tell me why we're going to this party again" I groaned as my best friend dragged me out of the car and faced me "Look, I really like Andy and I just wanna have some time with him, please I need you to get it, please" I crossed my arms and huffed "Fine, but if anybody flirts with me, I'm leaving" she smiled at me...wait, this house looked oddly familiar "Who's house is this" "It's my friend Bren's, look I'm gonna go away for a bit but I'll be back" she let go of my arm and her eyes lit up "Bren! Come meet {y/n}!" My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened. "Brendon?" I whispered to myself "Hey!" He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Don't worry, you're night is going to be fantastic with me {y/n}" she chuckled "You're in safe hands {y/n}, he won't flirt I promise" she nodded at Brendon and walked away. "Bren? What are you doing here?" I asked as we walked up the stairs away from the crowed party and into a smaller room with a less amount of people and fairy lights hung up on the ceiling.

"{Y/n}, come on, let's not argue tonight, we haven't seen each other in a while, how are you?" "I'm good, good" he nodded and sat down on a couch, taking me down with him. "Just good?" I nodded "Hasn't been to best year and a half Brendon" "No no, to be honest it's been hard for me too, I'm really sorry, I am and I just want to tell you that-" I put my finger on his lips "Brendon, save it for the end of the night, I don't need a big life changing moment here, I just ran into you again, give me time and then tell me" he nodded and his arm went around me again, I leaned into him and sighed "I missed you" I whispered to him "I missed you too {y/n}. After that we ended up talking until everyone had left which was maybe 3 in the morning, i wasn't sure, which led to me passing out on Brendon's bed with him. I woke up with his arms around me and I was facing him, "Bren" I whispered and his eyes fluttered open, "What did you wanna tell me last night?"

He groaned and sat up, still having his arms around me. "I wanted to tell you that..I missed you of course, and that I never got the chance to tell you that I'm so fucking in love with you that I can't even control myself, seriously, half of the time we were apart, I was whining over how much I missed the love of my life to the guys and they just told me to get you back but you wouldn't answer me, I fucking love you, I do" I looked bewildered as Brendon's speech and I moved a little closer to him and took his face in my hands, he put his hands over mine "I fucking love you too Brendon Urie" he smiled and I kissed him which left to be a long make out session between my ex-boyfriend and I.

"I love you" I giggled as I began to kiss all over his face and he just say laughing at me. "God, you're adorable, I love you" he flipped me over and kissed down my neck "Brendon!" I squealed as he lifted up my shirt and silenced me with a kiss.

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