Chapter 8

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I opened up the door and stepped inside the mildly warmer factory. I shivered slightly not only because of the temperature change, but also because of the memories flashing through my head. This is all happening way way to fast.

3 figures turned around as I stepped inside. We all exchanged glances for a little to long. I opened my mouth as if to say something however no words came out so I closed it again awkwardly. Sjin realised what I wanted and called Lalna down from upstairs, smiling at me slightly.

"It's good to see you Kat" Honeydew said as we heard Lalna fly down. I nodded a 'Thank you' just before Lalna appeared.

"Did someone call me?" Lalna asked, pealing off his gloves. He looked up when no one responded and his eyes locked onto me. He looked the exactly the same since I had last seen him. The same floppy blond hair, the same blue eyes. My own eyes started watering at the sight of him. "Kat?" Lalna asked walking up to me. "Kat where have been?"

We all were knocked into contiousness as we heard a small laugh outside saying "Where are you Lalna?" The scientist suddenly jolted into action and walked past me and out the door. Honeydew,  Sips, Sjin and I all looked at each other before following Lalna.

The temperature change didn't effect me much this time. We all stepped outside in the now steady snow fall, that we didn't really notice. Lalna paused suddenly as he came face to face with his alter ego. I had barely noticed until now how simular the 2 men where. They both wore white lab coats, had the same blonde floppy hair and sparkling blue eyes. However, the only thing that differentiated the 2 men was their skin tone. The lack of sun in the nether does give people a lighter complection, like myself.

"What do you want with Kat, LividCoffee?" Lalna asked, taking off his lab coat and draping it over my sholders. I smiled slightly at Lalna thankfully.

"Putting it mildly, she is the Queen of the Underworld. Queen Katlin III" The 'Katlin III' part send shivers down my spine. My mother flashed over my mind...


I was bumped up and down on my mothers knee. Her soft, rosy scent filled my nose. I loved that smell and to this day I ache to smell that smell again.

"I promise you now Kat" My mother whispered "I will never let you stay here in the underworld. When you are old enough to fend for yourself, you will go to the overworld and live there, knowing you will never, ever have to live in fear."


Hey my Knitting needles!

Sorry for not updating lately! I live in England and the power went out due to the storm, no power, no INTERNET D: I made it though! Still no Yogscast videos *Rolls on floor due to boredem* Rawr.....


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