Chapter 2 - First and new

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So finally, I've started my journey,

"So what now, we've been walking for ages" he questioned bored out of his mind,

"Well first, I want to catch my first Pokémon" I answered back with confidence.

"Well can it wait, I'm starving,"

"Eh might as well, I'm starving myself and there's a nice spot under that tree too"

"Well, let's go then!" he shouted happily, hoping off my shoulder and bolted towards the big tree.

"Hey wait for me!" I shouted running after him.

Sitting under the tree I grabbed some poke-food and a bowl from my bag, placing the bowl in front of Pikachu and pouring the poke-food in. He dived in straight away; I grabbed an apple and then a sandwich which had ham and cheese on it.

Finishing the apple I started eating half of the sandwich, Pikachu who had already finished his poke-food was watching the sandwich in my hand like a hawk Pokémon. Sighing I ripped a bit off and gave it to Pikachu, who gladly took it and started wolfing it down.

Looking off into the distance I spotted a Pokémon which I couldn't make out further ahead of us. Getting up and taking quiet steps toward the Pokémon to take a closer look. Seeing it more closely now it was a bird type, a Starly I'm pretty sure.

"Now that looks like a good Pokémon and I'm going to catch it" I said quietly,

"Pikachu, get over here now!" I called quietly. He looked around for a bit then spotted me and came running over here with the sandwich still in his mouth,

"Yes?" he asked, swallowing the rest of the sandwich.

"Where going to catch a Pokémon, come on!" I shouted, charging towards the Starly with Pikachu behind me.

"Alright, use quick attack!" I commanded pointing at the Starly,

Pikachu ran fast, hitting the Starly making it tumble backwards, it shook its head and charged at Pikachu hitting him hard in the gut, making him fly backwards a bit but he landed safely onto his feet.

"Alright use thunderbolt!" I shouted, Pikachu's cheeks gave out electricity and gave out a bolt of electricity hitting Starly. It was super effective, Starly went tumbling backwards into the dirt.

The Starly wasn't giving up easily and slowly started flying up into the sky, the Starly then flew straight towards Pikachu getting ready to use quick attack.

"Dodge it!" I quickly commanded and he did , just barely. The Starly turned back around quickly and used quick attack again over and over, Pikachu barely dodging each one kept moving out of the way.

Pikachu panted heavily, tired of all that dodging and so was Starly, I had to think of something fast.

"Use, iron tail!" I shouted, Pikachu's tail started too lit up and Starly was getting ready to use quick attack one more time. Both attacks made contact with each other creating a cloud of smoke, I couldn't see anything for a couple of seconds, but when it cleared I could see that they were both still standing just barely.

"Alright, Pikachu let's finish this off with thunder!" I declared,

"Take this!" shouted Pikachu, his cheeks sparking heaps of electricity and a bolt of lightning hit the Starly, the Starly swayed side to side for a moment then collapsed to the ground.

"Alright good job Pikachu! Now time to catch this Starly" I said smiling and getting a poke ball from my belt.

"Okay, now go Poke Ball!" I shouted excitedly throwing the poke-ball at Starly, it hit the Starly, going inside of the poke-ball and landing to the ground moving around like mad for a mere few moments. The moving stopped and I heard a click sound, I ran over to the poke-ball picking it up and spinning around excitedly.

"Alright, I caught my very first Pokémon!" I declared happily looking at the poke ball.

"Cool, looks like I won't be the only Pokémon around here then" sighed Pikachu, coming over to me and smiling.

"You did a great job battling Pikachu" I said pleased with him,

"Thanks" he said rubbing the back of his head, giving a smirk.

"Alright, let's see our new team member!" I shouted and threw the Poke ball in the air,

"Wait, Sapphire!" but it was too late, a red beam came from the poke-ball and out came the Starly.

"Great this should be a blast" Pikachu said sarcastically, smacking his forehead.

"Welcome to the team, Starly!" I cheered, smiling at the Starly in front of me

"Thanks and your my new trainer then?" he asked, titling his head to the side.

"Yup I am" I answered,

"Wait did you just understand me?" he said looking at me surprized.

"Yes I can and uh-oh, I forgot I could talk to Pokémon..."

"Here we go" muttered Pikachu, but no one heard him, Starly went silent for a moment then started flapping around and squawking in the air, circling me.

"A Human understands me, I'm going crazy!" he squawked, while he kept circling me.

"Clam down Starly, it's not that bad" I reassured, trying to calm him down but it didn't work.

"Did you really have to do that?" I asked, glaring at him,

"Well he wouldn't shut it, so I did it for him" he chuckled.

"Hey why did you do that for!" shouted Starly angrily, getting up and glared at Pikachu.

"Come on, no fighting guys" I said trying to calm them down.

"Urk, so how can you talk to Pokémon?" he asked, looking at me sacredly.

"She's the chosen one" answered Pikachu for me with an irritated look,

"Really? From the legend? Awesome! I'm the chosen one's Pokémon!" shouted Starly excitedly and flapped around me happily.

"Alright then, shall we continue with our journey then?" I sighed, looking at my Pokémon.

"Yup" they both agreed, Pikachu hopped back onto my shoulder and Starly flew on top of my head.

"Please this won't happen every time I catch a Pokémon" I said sighing,

"Let's just hope it won't" agreed Pikachu with a sigh.

"So where are we headed then?" asked Starly,

"To Jubilife city" I answered.

"Well this is going to be fun!" said Starly smiling,

"Yes it will be and this is only just the beginning."

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