Alone Time

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Where Author walks in on something she probably shouldn't have and things get smutty

(Warning: there is a lot of mature things in here (aka hot kinky sex in extreme detail) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)

Junior year you and Nagisa decided to get an apartment off campus together. This was a great idea, since you two got along very well, even when you were fighting, and you both shared similar interests when it came to college classes. This, of course, also meant that when you needed alone time, you were restricted to a small room. You two didn't share a room or a bed, simply to ensure your parents not having a heart attack upon visiting the place for the first time, but you slept in the same bed just about every day.

You loved being able to come home to his smiling face and warm arms, but sometimes living together had its drawbacks.

Friday • 11:00 am
A sudden sense of dread washed over you as you realized something. Sitting on the counter back at your apartment, you had left Kou's birthday gift. You took getting your friend something very seriously, and thus got her the perfect present. You were so eager to give it to her in your 11:30 class, Science being the only class you two shared, and you left it back home.

There was plenty of time to retrieve it and come back, it was just a hasile to bike back and fourth more than needed on such a long day.

You made the trip, the hard and long uphill battle to retrieve the gift, when you heard a sound coming from Nagisa's room. Nagisa must've been home, considering his only Friday class was a 8 am, but he wasn't usually one to be very loud.

You walked closer, slowly, and as quiet as you could. His door was cracked open just enough to let the soft sound of his moaning out. In your many endeavours you had heard every noise that boy was capable of making, and that noise he only made when you rubbed his--

"Ahhhh....." He was getting louder, and you were worried. He wasn't cheating on you was he? No there's no way....

You peaked into the crack of the door, carefully hiding in the shadows of the hallway as much as you could. There, laying on his grey bed, the little blonde had one hand down his boxers. His hair was a mess, confirming that he had been at it a while, and the red flush on his face was burned into your mind. He was shirtless, and you stood shamelessly and watched the ridges below his abs move as he pumped himself.

You felt your face burn, you shouldn't have been watching him, but you wanted nothing more than to barge in there and for him to put you on all fours.

When did you get like this?

It was getting late, you grabbed Kou's gift and made your escape, but Kou's birthday was never again on your mind that day. You could never remember being so desperate. Sure, you and Nagisa haven't been at it for a while, but you didn't quite realize how badly you were aching for him until you watched him take maters into his own hands, literally.

When you got back he was siting on the couch of the living room, reading a textbook. Needless to say, you didn't waste any time. You had to resist stroking yourself in the middle of class- that's how bad it was. You really needed him, and the copus amounts of alcohol you ingested trying to get Nagisa's lude picture out of your head only made matters worse.

You closed the door and locked it, tossing your bag on the counter as well. "Nagisa how long have you been studying?" You asked somewhat slurring your words. He looked up, " Emm...I'd say 3-ish hours, quite a while, but I finished everything, I'm just rereading before the exam." You took your shoes of quickly, removing your socks at the same time, "could you take a quick break?" Nagisa looked at you, "yeah I guess so, why? Do you need something?"

With need over mind, you made your way to the couch, casually stripping as you made your way there. Nagisa's face went up in flames at the sight, "w-woah woah! (F/N) what are you doing?! Are you drunk?!"

You pushed him down onto the couch and placed his textbook back on the table, you sat on top of him, digging your pelvis into his. The friction was unbearable, "no. I mean I had a few shots but I'm perfectly conscious," you lowered yourself to whisper in his ear, "I don't know what's gotten into me, but I've been aching for you, and your little display earlier made it worse." You ran your lips down his neck. "D-display?" His voice shook as it came out. "Yeah," you gasped out and ran your hand along the buldge in his pants, "Nagisa if you wanted someone to touch you you could've just asked." His face was as read as it could have ever been, "y-y-you saw me??! You saw t-that???"

Your breath hinged, and you arms went up to remove your shirt. You threw it on the ground, leaving you in a simple bra and underwear. Your hands reached for Nagisa's belt, and undid it quickly. "(F-F/N), the bed would be more comfortable..." Nagisa studdered, and you nodded your head, getting off him hesitantly, sad about the loss of pressure on your aching body.

Nagisa surprised you, however, as when you got up, his arms wrapped around you and carried you to his room, before dropping you on his bed. You could read his face, his dominance was showing. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down, "actually I take what I said back," you started, "if you ever start aching to touch yourself let me know...because I want to watch." He looked you straight in the eye, and then laughed, "you are a kinky little shit, you know that?" You raised your chin, "and you're getting more of a vocabulary."

He pressed you down and slid his pants and your underwear down. "W-wait," you muttered, "I....want to do it." Nagisa looked at you with an eyebrow raised, "you want to top?" You nodded, and reluctantly, Nagisa laid on his back. You hadn't really ever topped before, but you had a feeling you were so heated you could pull it off.

With no fabric in the way you could feel him. You pressed your hips into his until you fit to his grooves like a puzzle piece, and then started to grind. Right away he was moaning. You dug yourself beneath his length so that it laid on your stomach, and with what you had, rubbed against him. It made you so happy that he could just enjoy and not do any work, that you didn't request any attention. You wrapped your hands around him and brought his length to your mouth. You licked the tip and then started to suck. The blonde boy started to pant and breath heavily as a sign of approval. His breaths were rapid until his release, but they weren't over. You lined yourself up with him, and then slipped him inside of you, you moved your hips up and down, slamming against his pelvis on every drop until you both came and you collapsed on his chest.

"The still...young...(F/N)"

Sorry I was not updating for a really long time. Here's some smut to take care of it. Pls dont kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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