Chapter Eight

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I put my phone in my shirt pocket and quickly left the room. I saw Cassidy and Ryder in the waiting room so I ran towards them and practically dragged them out. I'm so happy to just be out of that place; it's horrible inside there. We started to walk towards the bus stop so we could go to my house. I just realised this would be Ryder's first time at my house, I'm praying that my family don't embarrass me in front of Ryder. That would literally be the death of me. We are waiting at the bus stop when along comes Britney Mitchell. She is the most popular girl in school who is known by everyone. She is also extremely rude and thinks she's all that when she's really not. She's one of those girls who gets mad at you when you've done nothing to them. I despise her! She decides to come up to us and start making some snarky comment.

"Hey Freak!" I roll my eyes at that. " Isn't it a coincidence that your class was killed and weren't there?" She sneered.

Is she seriously accusing me of killing 9F? How dare she! Who does she think she is to go around accusing me of something so horrific?

"Look, I don't know who you think you are but don't you dare go around saying that I killed the class! I'm not violent at all, well maybe a little. Go take your horrid attitude and pointless accusations away from here because no one here wants you." Wow, I'd never stood up to a bully before. She gave me the death stare and strutted off.

"If looks could kill" Ryder whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. I'm pretty sure that if looks could kill, Britney would have killed most of the school. Her comments made me try and figure out who did this and why. I zone out and hear the faint sounds of Ryder and Cassidy. I have many questions buzzing around my head; Why would someone do this? Why were we got called out class, minutes before the class were killed? Who was the mystery psychopath? When would they strike next? That last question sent shivers down my spine. I felt something tap me on the shoulder and I almost jumped out of my skin; I'm normally a skittish person but I'm ten times worse after what happened. I turned to Cassidy and gave her a death stare.

"The bus is here." She whispered, soothingly, she must've seen how alarmed I looked when she tapped me. We got on the bus and went up to the top deck. We sat at the back and I chose to go next to the window. I feel like sitting next to the window adds dramatic value and today has extremely dramatic. To add to the dramatic value of today, it starts to rain and the raindrops trickle down the window. I get lost in my thoughts as I gaze out the window, contemplating today's events. I'm on edge because I have no idea when they're going to strike or who they are. The thing with Britney didn't help my situation. God, she has to make everything worse; doesn't she? This girl has tormented me since Nursery and it has just gotten worse each year; she comes up with new insults and makes me feel bad about myself. I don't know what I did to make her hate me but I guess I'll never know. I've learnt that with bullies, you never know why they want to make you fell bad. Maybe they have troubles at home or they want to make themselves look good by making others feel bad. There could be so many reasons and I'll never know. The only time she talks to me is when she wants to make some remark about my weight, my height, my personality or anything to do with my life. I have tried so many times to reason with her, or at least put this behind us, but she never listens.

I put those thoughts out of my head, at least for now, and turn back to Ryder and Cassidy. We start making conversation and jokes to lighten the mood, sort of hard when there is a murderer on the loose but we try. It's mainly Cassidy and Ryder making the jokes because 1) I'm not really in the mood for making jokes and 2) I'm really bad at telling jokes. I often say stuff accidentally that people find funny but I can never do it in the spot. So I just sit and laugh at their jokes and stories which are actually really good. On top of being extremely attractive and caring, Ryder is hilarious; he is the total package. Due to talking and laughing so much, we almost miss our stop but thanks to Ryder's quick reflexes, we get off at the right stop. This is a good thing because the next stop is so far away and I don't want to walk, ain't nobody got time for that. We walk up to the nearest traffic lights and press the button. The traffic lights near my house are so slow and irritating, I have to leave a few minutes early just so I don't miss the bus in the morning. The lights finally change and we cross the road. I live right at the top of a hill which is just great, not! It's literally like climbing Everest. We make it up the top after a long, treacherous climb and I notice something strange; my front door is slightly open. My mum is a very cautious person so she wouldn't risk someone getting in. I quickly run in and I'm frozen. I see something that I will never be able to unsee.

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