Difficulty of being honest

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Have you ever felt sorry for being honest, telling the truth that wasn't desired? And why it's become easier to lie then to tell the truth? Isn't it worse? Let's dig into.


Let's say that nobody is 100% honest. Everyone has lied at least once in their life. It could be a big lie or a minor one like that when you were asked of something, no matter what (did you eat today? or did you walk a dog?) and you reply the contrary thing to what was true. You could do that intentionally or not, it could be done by other reasons. The point is why do we lie? Is it better than to be honest? And is it possible to be 100% honest practically? And here
I must admit that it seems impossible and it upsets. But what would the world look like if there weren't any liars? It would be a perfect one though. Let's image one.

Part one. Unbelievably "clean" world

"Hey, what's the mess in your room? You've been all the day at home and couldn't find the time for cleaning? Unbelievable!".

What is all about? It's about the mess in one's room. About annoyance of somebody who has faced the mess. He or she didn't expect that and there's nothing strange in the reaction like that. The case can be different but the point is the same: somebody who has failed someone's expectations eventually will try to lie to make yourself look better. Let's be honest, it's become "Okay", "normal" to lie, especially, when the ground is falling apart under you and you need to fix it faster. Who will bother yourself telling the truth when the lie can save your ground? Nobody. Majority will accept lie as an "exit". But where does this "exit" lead? To more lies, eventually. But let's say that while we have honest people, too. Let's hope their amount will grow.

Part two. Majority doesn't mean All.

Telling about majority isn't a fair task. It has no ground to stand on. But we are free to express our ideas, share the thoughts we have. That's why it's okay to think the way I do. And it proofs that I'm trying to reach the unreachable, answer the unanswerable. How is that possible to give a definite statement that lying is bad or being 100 % honest isn't possible? It would be unfair because everyone has the right to live the way he or she thinks is the best for him or her even if it's not widely acceptable. And keep in mind that culture and religion, the environment a person was risen must be taken into account when we talk about what's good or bad. We're different and binding us all into one ball doesn't solve the problem. If there is any problem at all. In one environment it's okay to lie, in another not. How to unbind this ball? Everyone decides by his own. I do think so.

Part three. Conclusion or just the beginning.

Is there a right answer to the question I tried to solve? Nope. Is it possible to be 100% honest? Maybe. But keep in mind that not all people are ready to hear this kind of "revelation". Is it bad to lie? Depends on the situation. There are the cases when lies saved the lives. And what can be more worthy then LIFE itself? Should we lie then? If it benefits all, then yes. If it helps to save one's life, then yes. If you are the only one who gets the benefit trying to make someone suffer, then it not honestly in respect to others.
And yes, it not easy to keep yourself on the way of honesty constantly, but I think that there's nothing bad in telling the truth when you think that lying won't solve the problem anymore. It also means you have been lying a lot if you are no more responsible for what you've been doing or saying. And it may be the right time to take some steps to rebuilding your life. An honest one.


What do you think? Is it possible to be 100% honest and when it's okay to lie? Share your ideas and experience.

                     To be continued ...

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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